CopperKnob Stepsheets

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A Lover's Promise

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Christina Lung-Lung King (HK) - April 2012
Keep You - JLS
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Start dancing after 32 counts, approximately 14 seconds.

Section One: Kick Ball Change x2, Out Out, Heel Taps
1&2RF kick ball change
3&4RF kick ball change
5-6RF step out diagonally, LF step out diagonally
7-8Tap heels twice

Section Two: Back Walk RLRL, Pigeon Toes x2
9-12RF step back, LF close next to R twice
13-16Pigeon toes twice

Section Three: Step Hitches, Point L and R, Step Touch
17-18LF step forward, RF hitch
19-20RF step with ¼ turn R, LF hitch (facing 3 o;clock)
21&22L toe point to L, step L beside R (&), R toe point to R
23-24RF cross step over L, LF touch to L

Section Four: Rock Step, Behind Side Cross, 2 Shuffles Turning ½ circle to R
25-26LF rock to L, recover on R
27&28LF cross behind R, R step to side, LF cross step over R
29&30, 31&32RF shuffles turning to R (RLR, facing 6 o’clock), continue with LF shuffles (LRL, end facing 9 o’clock)

Repeat !

*Wall 4, Restart after 16 counts

*Tag: at the end of Wall 7:
RF step out, LF step out, heel taps twice (4 counts), + walk back RLRL (4 counts)

Enjoy the dance!

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