Upper Beginner
Start 32 counts in, on vocals, weight on the left foot.Count
[1-8] Side, behind side cross, hip sways, side shuffle
1Step right foot to side
2&3Step left behind right, right to side, left across right
4, 5, 6Step right to side swaying hips right, left, right
7&8Shuffle to left stepping left, right, left
[9-12] Behind, hold, and cross, quarter
1, 2Step right behind left, hold
&3Step left to side, step right across left
4Turn ¼ right and step back on left
[13-16] Rock, replace, shuffle forward
5, 6Rock back on right foot, forward on left
7&8Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
[17-24] Point, hold, and pivot half, point, hold, and shuffle forward
1, 2Point left toe forward, hold
&3, 4Step left beside right, step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left transferring weight to left
5, 6Point right toe forward, hold
&7&8Step right beside left, shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
[25-32] Rock, half turn, shuffle, rock, recover, coaster cross
1, 2Rock forward on right, back on left
3&4Turn ½ right and shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
5, 6Rock forward on left, back on right
7&8Step back on left, right together, left across right
[32] Repeat dance facing new wall (dance moves clockwise)
Bridge: At the end of the fourth wall, add:
1, 2&3, 4Step right foot to side, step left behind right, right to side, left across right, rock right foot to side
5, 6&7, 8Replace weight on left, step right behind left, left to side, right across left, rock left foot to side
Then begin the dance again.
Finish: On wall 11, dance up to count 16, then step forward on left turning ¼ right to fact front, and drag right together.
Contact: Chris Mann
[1-8] Side, behind side cross, hip sways, side shuffle
1Step right foot to side
2&3Step left behind right, right to side, left across right
4, 5, 6Step right to side swaying hips right, left, right
7&8Shuffle to left stepping left, right, left
[9-12] Behind, hold, and cross, quarter
1, 2Step right behind left, hold
&3Step left to side, step right across left
4Turn ¼ right and step back on left
[13-16] Rock, replace, shuffle forward
5, 6Rock back on right foot, forward on left
7&8Shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
[17-24] Point, hold, and pivot half, point, hold, and shuffle forward
1, 2Point left toe forward, hold
&3, 4Step left beside right, step right foot forward, pivot ½ turn left transferring weight to left
5, 6Point right toe forward, hold
&7&8Step right beside left, shuffle forward stepping left, right, left
[25-32] Rock, half turn, shuffle, rock, recover, coaster cross
1, 2Rock forward on right, back on left
3&4Turn ½ right and shuffle forward stepping right, left, right
5, 6Rock forward on left, back on right
7&8Step back on left, right together, left across right
[32] Repeat dance facing new wall (dance moves clockwise)
Bridge: At the end of the fourth wall, add:
1, 2&3, 4Step right foot to side, step left behind right, right to side, left across right, rock right foot to side
5, 6&7, 8Replace weight on left, step right behind left, left to side, right across left, rock left foot to side
Then begin the dance again.
Finish: On wall 11, dance up to count 16, then step forward on left turning ¼ right to fact front, and drag right together.
Contact: Chris Mann