Start: At 2nd word ‘started’
[1 – 8]: Step drag, rock behind, step drag, rock behind, walk, walk, pivot, full turn
1,2&Step drag r, rock behind l, back with r
3,4&Step drag l, rock behind r, back with l
5,6Walk r, Walk l
7&8&Pivot r/l, full turn r/l
[9 – 16]: Step drag, rock behind, step drag rock behind, walk, walk, ¼, step to side, behind, side
1,2&Step drag r, rock behind l, back with r
3,4&Step drag l, rock behind r, back with l
5,6Walk r, walk l
7&8&¼ turn to left with r, side l, cross behind r, side l
[17 - 24]: Cross sweep, cross, side cross back, sweep, back side cross, side, tap behind, 3 ¼, full turn
1&2&Cross r, sweep l,
3&4&5Cross l, side r, behind l, sweep r, back side cross r,
6,7,8&Tap l behind,3 1/4 turn, full turn r/l
[25 - 32]: Syncopated lock steps, 4 x hips
1,2&Step lock r, step
3,4&Step lock l, step
5,6,7,8hip r, hip l, hip r, hip l
Tag: After 6th wall 4 x hips extra
Tag and Restart: In 8th wall after 12th count 4 x hips and restart
[1 – 8]: Step drag, rock behind, step drag, rock behind, walk, walk, pivot, full turn
1,2&Step drag r, rock behind l, back with r
3,4&Step drag l, rock behind r, back with l
5,6Walk r, Walk l
7&8&Pivot r/l, full turn r/l
[9 – 16]: Step drag, rock behind, step drag rock behind, walk, walk, ¼, step to side, behind, side
1,2&Step drag r, rock behind l, back with r
3,4&Step drag l, rock behind r, back with l
5,6Walk r, walk l
7&8&¼ turn to left with r, side l, cross behind r, side l
[17 - 24]: Cross sweep, cross, side cross back, sweep, back side cross, side, tap behind, 3 ¼, full turn
1&2&Cross r, sweep l,
3&4&5Cross l, side r, behind l, sweep r, back side cross r,
6,7,8&Tap l behind,3 1/4 turn, full turn r/l
[25 - 32]: Syncopated lock steps, 4 x hips
1,2&Step lock r, step
3,4&Step lock l, step
5,6,7,8hip r, hip l, hip r, hip l
Tag: After 6th wall 4 x hips extra
Tag and Restart: In 8th wall after 12th count 4 x hips and restart