CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Emotional Feeling

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Phrased Intermediate
JinLan Diong (MY) - March 2012
So Emotional - Whitney Houston
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Intro: Heavy beat 32 counts. Start on vocal
Sequence: AAA (16) Tag B A (16) Restart AA (16) Tag B AAA (16) Tag BBB

Part A (32 count)
[1-8] Cross R, Point L, Cross L Behind , Point R, Hitch R, Point R, Point R Behind, Unwind ½ R.
1-2Cross R over L, Point L to L side
3-4Cross L behind R, Point R to R side.
5-6Hitch R knee in towards L, Point R to R side
7-8Point R toe behind L, Unwind ½ turn R ending with weight R [6.00]
Arm Styling: Punch fists down right arm over left (5), Swing both arms up above head (6)

[9-16] L touch with hip, R touch with hip, Rock Fwd, Recover, ½ turn L, ¼ turn L
1-2Touch L to L diagonal as you push hips forward, Step L next to R (slightly forward)
1-3Touch R to R diagonal as you push hips forward, Step R next to L(slightly forward)
5-6Rock forward on L, Recover on R
7-8Turn ½ L stepping L forward, Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side [9.00] (Restart Point-see note)

[17-24] Press, Kick, Back, Back, ½ L Fwd, ½ L Together, ½ L Fwd, Kick R
1-2Press L forward, Recover on R as kick L forward
3-4Step back on L, R
5-6Turn ½ L stepping L forward, Turn ½ L stepping R together
7-8Turn ½ L stepping L forward, Kick R to R side [3.00]

[25-32] Jazz Box ¼ R, Hip Bump R, L, R, L
1-2Cross R over L, step back on L
3-4Turn ¼ R stepping R to R side, Step L next to R
5-8Hip bump R, L, R, L [6.00]

Part B (32 count)
[1-8] Side, Knee Pop R, L, Recover, Kick Ball Cross, Full Turn L, Jump Out Apart
1-2Step L to L side, Pop R knee in
3-4Pop L knee in, Recover ending weight on R
5&6Kick L forward, Step L next to R, Cross R over L
7-8Unwind full turn L, Low jump stepping out apart ending weight on L [12.00]
Arm Styling: Punch fists down R arm over L (5), Punch both arms down to side (6)

[9-16] Heel Switches R Twice &, L Twice &, R & L, & R Twice
1,2&Touch R heel R diagonal forward twice, Step R next to L [12.00]
3-4&Turn ¼ L touch L heel L diagonal forward twice, Step L next to R [9.00]
5&6Touch R heel R diagonal forward, Step R next to L, Touch L heel L diagonal forward [9.00]
&7,8Turn ¼ L stepping L next to R, Touch R heel to R diagonal forward twice [6.00]

[17-24] Ball Step, Click Finger, Knee Pop In, Out, L Fwd, R Hitch, R Back, L Heel Fwd
&1,2Step R next to L, Step L out to L side, click L fingers out to L side (Look L)
3-4Pop R knee In, Recover on R
5-6Step forward on L, Hitch R knee up
7-8Step back on R, Touch L heel forward (slightly lean back) [6.00]
Arm Styling: Swing R arm down and across in front of waist (3), Swing R arm back to R (4)

[25-32] Ball Step, Pivot ½ L, R Fwd ,L Side, Hold, Touch, Side, Hold
&1,2Step L next to R, Step forward on R, Pivot ½ L step L forward [12.00]
3-4Step forward on R, Step L to L side
5-6Hold, Touch beside R
7-8Step L to L side, Hold [12.00]
Arm Styling: Swinging arms from R in front of chest (5), Swinging arms to L in front of chest (6), and bring them around your head going from the L side, then behind your head, then to the R side (7), Swinging arms down to both sides (8)
Start Again, Have Fun!!

TAG: Always happen on Part A (16) and facing 12.00
1st & 3rd Tag: you will dance the first 15 counts of dance “change count 16 to *15-16* below then do the tag
15-16Turn ½ L stepping L forward (15), Stepping R forward (16) to facing 12.00

2nd Tag: Dance to count 16, you will face 12.00 then do the tag.
Add the following tag:
1-4Step forward on L, Pivot ½ R, Step forward on L, Pivot ½ R

Restart: This happens On 2nd A (16); you will dance the first 15 counts of dance
“change count *15-16* below then Restart from the beginning.
15-16Turn ½ L stepping L forward (15), Turn ¼ L Touching R to R side (16) facing 9.00

End: Add cross R over L unwind ½ L to facing front wall.

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