CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Yo Te Voy A Amar

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High Intermediate
Bruno - February 2012
Yo Te Voy a Amar - *NSYNC
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S1: Box step, sync. box step, walk (2x), ¾ turn left
1-3RF step to the right, LF step next to RF, step back on right
4&5LF step to the left, RF step next to LF, step forward on left
6-7step fwd on right, step fwd on left***
8&½ turn left step back on right, ¼ turn left step left to the side

S2: Cross rock, side, cross shuffle, monterey turn into side rock, cross
1-3cross right over left, recover on left, rf step to the right
4&5cross left over right, rf step to the right, cross left over right
6-7point rf to the right, ½ turn right stepping right next to left
8&1rock left aside, recover on right, cross left over right

S3: Side, close, chasse, cross 3/4 turn right, coaster step
2-3rf step to the right, lef step next to right
4&5rf step to the right, lef step next to right, rf step to the right
6-7cross left over right and make 3/4 turn right (weight on LF)
8&1step on right, step left next to right, step fwd on right

S4: Full turn, run, point fdw, point aside, sailor ½ turn cross
2-3½ turn right step back on left, ½ turn right step fwd on right****
4&5step fdw on left, step fwd on right, step fdw on left
6-7rf point fwd, rf point aside
8&1making a sailor ½ turn right, cross step right behind left, step left to the left, cross right over left

S5: Side rock, behind, side, cross, side rock ¼ turn right, triple out
2-3rock left aside, recover on right
4&5cross left behind right, step right tot the right, cross left over right
6-7rock right aside, ¼ turn right recover on left
8&1step right next to left, step left in place**, step right to the right

S6: Cross rock behind, chasse cross rock behind, touch ball cross
2-3cross left behind right, recover on right
4&5step left aside, step right next to left, step left aside
6-7cross right behind left, recover on left
8&1touch right next to left, close right next to left, cross left over right

S7: ¼ turn left, ¼ turn left, kick ball step, walk (2x), pivot turn, step
2-3¼ turn left step back on right, ¼ turn left step left aside
4&5kick rf fwd, close right next to left, step fwd on left
6-7step fwd on right, step fwd on left
8&1step fwd on right, ½ turn left**, step fwd on right

S8: Rock step, triple full turn, rock step, coaster out
2-3rock fwd on left, recover on right
4&5step left, right, left in place making a full turn left
6-7rock fwd on right, recover on left
8&step back on right, step left next to right…

**2nd wall: after section 5 count 8&
**3rd wall: after section 7 count 8&

Tag: ***After the 4th wall: dance section 1 untill count 7 and add the following steps:
8&step fwd on right, close left next to right

Ending: ****6 th wall: dance untill section 4 count 3 and add the following steps:
4&5step fwd on right, ¼ turn right, cross left over right

Last Revision - 17th March 2012
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