CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sex A Little Bit

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Yonne Emalda - February 2012
Mr. Saxobeat (Radio Edit) - Alexandra Stan
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Intro: 52 counts in

Walk Forward X2, Side Rock, Recover, Cross Kick Jack X2
1-2Walk forward on R foot, walk forward on L foot
3-4Rock R foot to R side, recover weight on L foot ( use hip sharply )
5&6&Cross R foot over L foot, step L foot to L side, kick R foot to R diagonal, step R foot in place
7&8&Cross L foot over R foot, step R foot to R side, kick L foot to L diagonal, step L foot in place

Pivot ½ Turn X2, Out Out, Hold, Swivels
1-4Step R foot forward, turn ½ L, step R foot forward, turn ½ L
&5-6Step R foot to R side, step L foot to L side, hold
&7&8Twist/swivel R heel in towards L foot, twist/swivel R heel out to R side, twist/swivel L heel in towards R foot, twist/swivel L heel out to L side ***

Ball Cross Rock, Recover X2, Ball Cross, Hold, & Cross & Cross
&1-2Step R foot next to L foot, cross rock L foot over R foot, recover weight on R foot
&3-4Step L foot to L side, cross rock R foot over L foot, recover weight on L foot
&5-6Step R foot to R side, cross L foot over R foot, hold
&7&8Step R foot to R side, cross L foot over R foot, step R foot to R side, cross L foot over R foot

Step Touch, ¼ Turn, Step Touch, Kick Ball Slide, Tap X2
1-2Step R foot to R side, touch L toes beside R foot
3-4Turn ¼ L stepping L foot to L side, touch R toes beside L foot
5&6Kick R foot forward, step R foot in place, long step L foot to L side dragging R toes towards L foot
7-8Tap R toes beside L foot twice

At the end of wall 2 and wall 5, add:
Pivot ½ Turn X2
1-4Step R foot forward, turn ½ L, step R foot forward, turn ½ L

At wall 9, dance up to 16 counts, add:
Butt Wiggle
1-4Wiggle your butt for four counts

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