Easy Intermediate
(aka. Let's Get Jumpin' Tonight)
Celebrate…It's Jubilee Year! 48 Count Intro….Start on vocals
[1-8] Pivot 1/2 Turns X2 With Clicks X4:
1-2Step R fwd, Click fingers up at shoulder level
3-4Pivot 1/2 turn left, Click fingers up at shoulder level
5-6Step R fwd, Click fingers up at shoulder level
7-8Pivot 1/2 turn left, Click fingers up at shoulder level
[9-16] Toe-Heel Struts X2, Jazzbox With 1/4 Turn R, Brush:
1-4Step R toe across L, Step R heel down, Step L toe to L side, Step L heel down
5-6Cross-step R over L, Step L back into 1/4 turn R (3)
7-8Step R to R side, Brush L fwd
[17-24] Step-Touch, Step-Kick, L Sailor 1/4 Turn R:
1-4Step L fwd, Touch R toe behind L, Step R slightly back, Kick L fwd
5-8Step L behind R into 1/4 turn R, Step R to R side, Step L slightly fwd, Hold (6)
[25-32] Dwight Steps, Monterey 1/2 Turn R:
1–4Swivel L heel to R, L toes to R, L heel to R, L toes to R - while pointing R toe & R heel towards L foot
5–8Point R to R, On ball of L pivot 1/2 turn right & step R beside L, Point L to L side, Step L beside R (12)
[33-40] Jump-Clap X2 With 1/4 Turn L, Swivels
1-4Jump fwd 1/8 turn L. Clap, Jump back 1/8 turn L, Clap (9)
5-8Swivel heels R, L, R, L while moving body down & up (weight ends on L)
[41-48] Rock-Recover With 1/2 Turn R, Toe-Heel Strut, Knee-pops & Hold X2:
1-4Rock-step R fwd, Recover L, On ball of L make 1/2 turn R stepping onto R toe fwd, Step R heel to floor (3)
5-8Bend L knee in towards L, Hold, Bend R knee in towards L, Hold
(move slightly fwd when doing knee-pops…)
No tags…no restarts…enjoy!
Celebrate…It's Jubilee Year! 48 Count Intro….Start on vocals
[1-8] Pivot 1/2 Turns X2 With Clicks X4:
1-2Step R fwd, Click fingers up at shoulder level
3-4Pivot 1/2 turn left, Click fingers up at shoulder level
5-6Step R fwd, Click fingers up at shoulder level
7-8Pivot 1/2 turn left, Click fingers up at shoulder level
[9-16] Toe-Heel Struts X2, Jazzbox With 1/4 Turn R, Brush:
1-4Step R toe across L, Step R heel down, Step L toe to L side, Step L heel down
5-6Cross-step R over L, Step L back into 1/4 turn R (3)
7-8Step R to R side, Brush L fwd
[17-24] Step-Touch, Step-Kick, L Sailor 1/4 Turn R:
1-4Step L fwd, Touch R toe behind L, Step R slightly back, Kick L fwd
5-8Step L behind R into 1/4 turn R, Step R to R side, Step L slightly fwd, Hold (6)
[25-32] Dwight Steps, Monterey 1/2 Turn R:
1–4Swivel L heel to R, L toes to R, L heel to R, L toes to R - while pointing R toe & R heel towards L foot
5–8Point R to R, On ball of L pivot 1/2 turn right & step R beside L, Point L to L side, Step L beside R (12)
[33-40] Jump-Clap X2 With 1/4 Turn L, Swivels
1-4Jump fwd 1/8 turn L. Clap, Jump back 1/8 turn L, Clap (9)
5-8Swivel heels R, L, R, L while moving body down & up (weight ends on L)
[41-48] Rock-Recover With 1/2 Turn R, Toe-Heel Strut, Knee-pops & Hold X2:
1-4Rock-step R fwd, Recover L, On ball of L make 1/2 turn R stepping onto R toe fwd, Step R heel to floor (3)
5-8Bend L knee in towards L, Hold, Bend R knee in towards L, Hold
(move slightly fwd when doing knee-pops…)
No tags…no restarts…enjoy!