CopperKnob Stepsheets

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A Good Night

( 1 Stimmen)
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Per Mikkelsen (DK) - March 2010
Another Good Reason - Alan Jackson : (Album: High Mileage)
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Intro: 16 Count: Country

Section 1: Rumba Box Left, Right
1 – 4Step L to left, Step R together, Step L forward, Hold
5 – 8Step R to right, step L together, step R back, Hold

Section 2: Rock Back, Weave skuff and step
1 – 2Rock left back, step right forward ¼ turn left,
3 – 6Cross L over right, step R to right, step L behind right, step R to right
7 – 8Skuff L, step left to left

Sektion 3: Vaudeville Right, Cross ¼ Turn left
1 – 4Cross R over left, step L to left, Dig R heel diagonally forward, step R next to left
5 – 8Cross L over right, step R back with ¼ turn left, step L next to right, Hold

Sektion 4: Sugar foot swivel, kick, Behind side cross
1 – 4Swivel L heel to right - touching R toe next to left, Swivel L toe to right - touching R heel next to left, Swivel L heel to right - touching R toe next to left, kick R forward
5 – 8Cross R behind left, L to left, cross R over left, Hold

Sektion 5: Toe strut, left right left, Kick twice Right
1 – 2Touch L toe forward, drop L heel taking weight
3 – 4Touch R toe forward, drop R heel taking weight
5 – 6Touch L toe forward, drop L heel taking weight
7 – 8Kick R forward twice

Sektion 6: Right Toe strut ¼ Turn Right, Heel strut
1 – 2Touch R toe back, drop right heel with ¼ turn right, taking weight
3 – 4Touch L heel forward, drop L toe taking weight
5 – 6Touch R heel forward, drop R toe taking weight
7 – 8Touch L heel forward, drop L toe taking weight

Sektion 7: Camel steps, side rock cross, Hold
1 – 4Step R forward with bended knee, slide L next to right, x 2
5 – 6Rock L to left, recover weight to right
7 – 8Cross L over right, Hold

Sektion 8: Heel bounces ½ turn right, back rock
1 – 4Bounce both heels 4 x 1/8 turn right ( ½ turn )
5 – 8Rock back on R, rock forward on L, step R forward, touch L next to right

Ending: Dance sugar foot swivel, kick ¼ left, Hold
1 – 2Swivel L heel to right - touching R toe next to left, Swivel L toe to right - touching R heel next to left
3 – 4Swivel L heel to right - touching R toe next to left, kick R forward
5 – 8R beside left, Hold, turn ¼ left on left Hold,
1 – 2Step R next to left, Hold

Keep it country, Dance, and have fun

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