High Intermediate
Count In: 8 counts from start of track. Approx 70bpm
Notes: There are 2 restarts. 4th Wall after 28 counts – face front to restart. 7th wall after 8 counts – face front to restart.
[1 – 8] Back R sweeping L, L behind side cross, R side rock cross, side L, full turn(¾)sailor R, L side rock cross
1 2 & 3Step back on right sweeping left foot from front to back (1), cross left behind right (2), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (3) 12.00
& 4 & 5Rock right to right side (&), recover weight onto left (4), cross right over left (&), step left to left side (5) 12.00
6 & 7Make full turn to right doing a right sailor step: Cross right behind left making 1/8 turn right (6), make 1/8 turn right stepping slightly back on left (&), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (7) (the directions are just a guideline for making the sailor, shape upper body to right as you do it – feels good ) 9.00 or 12.00
& 8 &Make ¼ turn right rocking left to left side ( to complete full turn of sailor) (&), recover weight onto right (8), cross left over right (&) 12.00
Restart here on 7th wall (12.00) – do first 8 counts of dance, then start again facing 12.00 [12.00]
[9 – 17] R nightclub basic, L nightclub basic, ¼ turn R, full turn R, run back R, L
1 2 &Step right to right side (1), step left next to & slightly behind right (2), cross right over left (&) 12.00
3 4 & 5Step left to left side (3), step right next to & slightly behind left(4), cross left over right(&) Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (5), 3.00
6 & 7Make ½ turn right stepping back on left (6), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (&), step forward on left rocking all weight forward (7) 3.00
8 & 1Step back on right (8), step back on left (&), step back on right as you sweep left foot back (1) 3.00
[18 – 24] L behind side cross (sweep R), R cross, L side, rock back on R, step R, rock back on left, ¼ R, ¼ R,
2 & 3Cross left behind right (2), step right to right side (&), cross left over right sweeping right foot to front (3) 3.00
4 & 5Cross right over left (4), step left to left side (&), rock back on right opening body to right diagonal (5) 4.30
6 & 7Recover weight onto left (6), step right to right side (&), rock back on left opening body to left diagonal (7) 1.30
& 8 &Recover weight onto right (&), make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (8), make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (&) 9.00
[25 – 32] Walk forward L R, full turn forward to R, L mambo drag back, R back rock, step R, ¼ L, R cross, L side
1 - 2Step forward on left slightly across in front of right (1), step forward on right (2) 9.00
3 &Make ½ turn right stepping back on left (3), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (&) 9.00
4Rock forward on left (4) 9.00
Restart here on 4th wall – after count 4 – step back on right making ¼ turn left to sweep L foot to restart at 12.00
& 5Recover weight onto right (&), take big step back on left dragging right towards left (5) (weight left) 9.00
6 & 7 &Rock back on right (6), recover weight onto left (&), step forward on right (7), pivot ¼ turn left (&) 6.00
8 &Cross right over left (8), step left to left side (&) 6.00
Notes: There are 2 restarts. 4th Wall after 28 counts – face front to restart. 7th wall after 8 counts – face front to restart.
[1 – 8] Back R sweeping L, L behind side cross, R side rock cross, side L, full turn(¾)sailor R, L side rock cross
1 2 & 3Step back on right sweeping left foot from front to back (1), cross left behind right (2), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (3) 12.00
& 4 & 5Rock right to right side (&), recover weight onto left (4), cross right over left (&), step left to left side (5) 12.00
6 & 7Make full turn to right doing a right sailor step: Cross right behind left making 1/8 turn right (6), make 1/8 turn right stepping slightly back on left (&), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (7) (the directions are just a guideline for making the sailor, shape upper body to right as you do it – feels good ) 9.00 or 12.00
& 8 &Make ¼ turn right rocking left to left side ( to complete full turn of sailor) (&), recover weight onto right (8), cross left over right (&) 12.00
Restart here on 7th wall (12.00) – do first 8 counts of dance, then start again facing 12.00 [12.00]
[9 – 17] R nightclub basic, L nightclub basic, ¼ turn R, full turn R, run back R, L
1 2 &Step right to right side (1), step left next to & slightly behind right (2), cross right over left (&) 12.00
3 4 & 5Step left to left side (3), step right next to & slightly behind left(4), cross left over right(&) Make ¼ turn right stepping forward on right (5), 3.00
6 & 7Make ½ turn right stepping back on left (6), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (&), step forward on left rocking all weight forward (7) 3.00
8 & 1Step back on right (8), step back on left (&), step back on right as you sweep left foot back (1) 3.00
[18 – 24] L behind side cross (sweep R), R cross, L side, rock back on R, step R, rock back on left, ¼ R, ¼ R,
2 & 3Cross left behind right (2), step right to right side (&), cross left over right sweeping right foot to front (3) 3.00
4 & 5Cross right over left (4), step left to left side (&), rock back on right opening body to right diagonal (5) 4.30
6 & 7Recover weight onto left (6), step right to right side (&), rock back on left opening body to left diagonal (7) 1.30
& 8 &Recover weight onto right (&), make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (8), make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side (&) 9.00
[25 – 32] Walk forward L R, full turn forward to R, L mambo drag back, R back rock, step R, ¼ L, R cross, L side
1 - 2Step forward on left slightly across in front of right (1), step forward on right (2) 9.00
3 &Make ½ turn right stepping back on left (3), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (&) 9.00
4Rock forward on left (4) 9.00
Restart here on 4th wall – after count 4 – step back on right making ¼ turn left to sweep L foot to restart at 12.00
& 5Recover weight onto right (&), take big step back on left dragging right towards left (5) (weight left) 9.00
6 & 7 &Rock back on right (6), recover weight onto left (&), step forward on right (7), pivot ¼ turn left (&) 6.00
8 &Cross right over left (8), step left to left side (&) 6.00