High Beginner
Start dancing after 24 counts, approximately 12 seconds (Start on lyrics ‘It’s time for me to rewind’)
Section One: Point, Point , Back and Forward Shuffles
1-2RF point to front, RF point to side
3&4RF back shuffle
5-6LF point to side, LF point to front
7&8LF forward shuffle
Section Two: Rock Forward Recover, Coaster Steps with ¼ turn
1-2Rock forward with RF, rock replacing weight on LF
3&4RF back, LF closes to RF, RF forward
5-6Rock forward with LF, rock replacing weight on RF
7&8LF back, RF closes to LF, LF forward with ¼ turn L (Facing 9:00)
Section Three: Side Rock , Cross Shuffles with ¼ turn
1-2RF side rock , recover on LF
3&4RF Cross shuffle
5-6LF side rock, recover on RF
7&8LF Cross Shuffle with ¼ turn L (Facing 6:00)
Section Four: Paddle Turns, Side Rock Recover
1-2RF paddle with ¼ turn L
3-4RF paddle with ¼ turn L
5-6RF paddle with ¼ turn L
7-8RF side rock, recover on LF (Facing 9 o’clock)
Start Again.
* Add four counts after completing wall 3, facing 3 o’clock (Bump hips to R count 2, bump hips to L count 2)
* Ending: Make half turn to R and step on RF to face the front.
Enjoy the dance!
Section One: Point, Point , Back and Forward Shuffles
1-2RF point to front, RF point to side
3&4RF back shuffle
5-6LF point to side, LF point to front
7&8LF forward shuffle
Section Two: Rock Forward Recover, Coaster Steps with ¼ turn
1-2Rock forward with RF, rock replacing weight on LF
3&4RF back, LF closes to RF, RF forward
5-6Rock forward with LF, rock replacing weight on RF
7&8LF back, RF closes to LF, LF forward with ¼ turn L (Facing 9:00)
Section Three: Side Rock , Cross Shuffles with ¼ turn
1-2RF side rock , recover on LF
3&4RF Cross shuffle
5-6LF side rock, recover on RF
7&8LF Cross Shuffle with ¼ turn L (Facing 6:00)
Section Four: Paddle Turns, Side Rock Recover
1-2RF paddle with ¼ turn L
3-4RF paddle with ¼ turn L
5-6RF paddle with ¼ turn L
7-8RF side rock, recover on LF (Facing 9 o’clock)
Start Again.
* Add four counts after completing wall 3, facing 3 o’clock (Bump hips to R count 2, bump hips to L count 2)
* Ending: Make half turn to R and step on RF to face the front.
Enjoy the dance!