CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Mr. DJ

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High Beginner
Christina Lung-Lung King (HK) - October 2011
Volar - Justin Lo
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Start dancing after approximately 48 seconds (Start on the lyric ‘girl’)

Section One
Toe Strut, Step Forward Touch, Step Back Touch, Walk Back
1-4R toe strut, L toe strut
5-8R toe strut, L toe strut
1-4Step forward on R, touch L next to R, step back on L, touch R next to L
5-8Walk back RLRL

Section Two
Step Forward Touch, Step Back Touch, Walk Forward, Out Out In In (V Step), Jazz Box with ¼ turn
1-4Step forward on R, touch L next to R, step back on L, touch R next to L
5-8Walk forward RLRL
1-4Out Out, In In (V Step)
5-8RF cross over LF, LF step back with ¼ turn right, step right to right side, close left beside right (Facing wall 2, 3 o’clock)


There is a 16 count tag after wall 4, and a 32 count tag after wall 8.
Tag: (Facing 12 o’clock)
1,2,3&4Touch R heel forward, touch R toe back, shuffle forward, RLR
5,6,7&8Touch L heel forward, touch L toe back, shuffle forward, LRL
1,2,3&4Rock forward RF, rock back replacing weight to LF, shuffle back RLR
5,6,7&8Rock back LF, rock forward replacing weight to RF, shuffle forward LRL

Repeat the 16 count tag twice after wall 8

Note: After the 2nd tag (32 count), repeat section one and two twice facing 12 o’clock.
When doing the jazz box, cross RF over LF, step back LF instead of stepping back LF with ¼ turn, step right to right side, close left beside right.

Ending: (8 count) - Out Out In In (V step)
1-8R step out diagonally hold 2, L step out diagonally hold 2, R step back in place hold 2, L step back in place hold 2.
Enjoy the dance!

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