Intro: 32 Counts
Step, Scuff, Step, Scuff, ½ Step turn, Step, Hold
1-2Step fwd. right, scuff left
3-4Step fwd. left, scuff right
5-6Step Fwd. right, ½ turn left
7-8Step Fwd. Right, hold
Rock Fwd. Left, Recover, Rock, Scuff, Rock Fwd. Right, Recover, Rock, Hold
1-2Rock Fwd. left, recover
3-4Rock fwd. left, scuff right fwd.
5-6Rock fwd. right, recover
7-8Rock fwd. right, hold
Vine Left, Kick, Side Toe strut Right, Crossing Toe Strut Left
1-2Step left to left side, cross right behind left
3-4Step left to left side, kick right diagonal fwd. right
5-6Tap right toe to right side, drop right heel
7-8Tap left toe in front of right, drop left heel
Coaster Step cross, Hold, Rumba, Hold
1-2Step right back, step left beside right
3-4Cross right in front of left, hold
5-6Step left to left side, step right beside left
7-8Step fwd. left, hold
Rumba, Kick, Step, Kick, Step, Kick
1-2Step right to right side, step left beside right
3-4Step right back, kick left fwd.
5-6Step back left, kick right fwd.
7-8Step back right, kick left fwd.
Stomp, Hold & Clap, Stomp, Hold & Clap, ¼ turn Right, Step Fwd. Hold
1-2Stomp fwd. left, Hold and clap
3-4Stomp fwd. right, hold & clap
5-6Step fwd. left, ¼ turn right
7-8Step fwd. left, hold
TAG: After wall 1 - 8 Counts tag, facing 9 O`Clock
Fwd. hold, Fwd, hold, in, hold, in, hold
1-2-3-4Step right fwd. hold, step left fwd. hold
5-6-7-8Step right to Center, hold, step left to Center, hold
Have Fun!
Step, Scuff, Step, Scuff, ½ Step turn, Step, Hold
1-2Step fwd. right, scuff left
3-4Step fwd. left, scuff right
5-6Step Fwd. right, ½ turn left
7-8Step Fwd. Right, hold
Rock Fwd. Left, Recover, Rock, Scuff, Rock Fwd. Right, Recover, Rock, Hold
1-2Rock Fwd. left, recover
3-4Rock fwd. left, scuff right fwd.
5-6Rock fwd. right, recover
7-8Rock fwd. right, hold
Vine Left, Kick, Side Toe strut Right, Crossing Toe Strut Left
1-2Step left to left side, cross right behind left
3-4Step left to left side, kick right diagonal fwd. right
5-6Tap right toe to right side, drop right heel
7-8Tap left toe in front of right, drop left heel
Coaster Step cross, Hold, Rumba, Hold
1-2Step right back, step left beside right
3-4Cross right in front of left, hold
5-6Step left to left side, step right beside left
7-8Step fwd. left, hold
Rumba, Kick, Step, Kick, Step, Kick
1-2Step right to right side, step left beside right
3-4Step right back, kick left fwd.
5-6Step back left, kick right fwd.
7-8Step back right, kick left fwd.
Stomp, Hold & Clap, Stomp, Hold & Clap, ¼ turn Right, Step Fwd. Hold
1-2Stomp fwd. left, Hold and clap
3-4Stomp fwd. right, hold & clap
5-6Step fwd. left, ¼ turn right
7-8Step fwd. left, hold
TAG: After wall 1 - 8 Counts tag, facing 9 O`Clock
Fwd. hold, Fwd, hold, in, hold, in, hold
1-2-3-4Step right fwd. hold, step left fwd. hold
5-6-7-8Step right to Center, hold, step left to Center, hold
Have Fun!