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Cowboys & Indians

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Phrased Intermediate Contra
Patrick Endevoets (NL) - September 2011
Cowboys & Indianen (Square Remix) - Dikdakkers : (CD: Cowboys En Indianen Remix 2009)
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Info : starting position: 2 rows facing each other and you state something aside (rows such as a zip) so you can dance past each other forward,
will begin on the word 'LASSO', order of dance - A, B, A, B, A, A

PART A: 64 counts
[1-8] R Step Fwd, ½ Pivot Turn L, R Step Fwd, ½ Pivot Turn L, R Side, L Cross Behind & R Side, L Heel Diagonal Fwd & Together & R Cross Over
(count 1 t/m 2 and count 3 t/m 4: make with your right hand lasso movement in the air)
1RF step forward
2R+L ½ pivot/turn left (weight ends on LF)
3RF step forward
4R+L ½ pivot/turn left (weight ends on LF)
5RF step to right side
6LF cross behind RF
&RF step to right side
7LF tap with left heel left diagonal forward
&LF step beside RF
8RF cross over LF

[9-16] L Side, R Cross Behind, L Coaster Step, R Jazz Box With Stomp Together
1LF step to left side
2RF cross behind LF
3LF step behind
&RF step beside LF
4LF step forward
5RF cross over LF
6LV step behind
7RF step to right side
8LF stomp beside RF

[17-24] Gallop With R Forward, L Stomp Together, L Rock Back, Recover, L Step Fwd, R Step Together With ½ Turn Left
(During the gallop move with your arms like you are on a horse)
1RF step forward
&LF close next to RF
2RF step forward (you are now side by side)
&LF close next to RF
3RF step forward
4LF stomp next to RF
5LF rock/step back
6RF recover
(Count: 7-8 R-hand over your eyes with hand palm down as if you are looking for someone)
7LF step forward
8RF ½ turn left, step next to LF (weight ends on RF, you are now in the other row)

[25-32] L Cross Rock Over, Recover, L Rolling Vine, R Stomp Together, R Kick-Ball-Change
1LF cross/rock over RF
2RF recover (hand now down)
3LF ¼ turn left, step forward
4RF ½ turn left, step behind
5LF ¼ turn left, step aside
6RF stomp next to LF (weight remains on LF)
7RF kick forward
&RF step on ball of foot next to LF
8LF step in place

[33-40] Walk Fwd R-L, R Stomp Together, ½ Turn L Kick Fwd L, Walk Back L-R, L Coaster Step
1RF walk forward
(L-arm crossed on R-arm for your chest, upper arms in the same way you determine someone picks Pack)
2LF walk forward
3RF stomp next to LF
4LF ½ turn left, kick forward
5LF walk back
(Both arms from aside with forearms L-shaped, palms facing up, as if you surrender yourself to someone)
6RF walk back
7LF step behind (Arms down now)
&RF step next to LF
8LF step forward

[41-48] Walk Fwd R-L, R Stomp Together, ½ Turn L Kick Fwd L, Walk Back L-R, L Coaster Step
1RF walk forward
2LF walk forward
3RF stomp next to LF
(arms up R-hand crossed on L-hand, palms facing forward over your head)
4LF ½ turn left, kick forward
5LF walk back
(arms down behind your body, R-palm on L-palm crossed on each other)
6RF walk back
7LF step behind
&RF step next to LF
8LF step forward

[49-56] R Step Fwd, ½ Pivot Turn L, R Step Fwd, ½ Pivot Turn L, R Vine With Stomp Together
(count 1 t/m 2 and count 3 t/m 4: make with your right hand lasso movement in the air)
1RF step forward
2R+L ½ pivot/turn left (weight ends on LF)
3RF step forward
4R+L ½ pivot/turn left (weight ends on LF)
5RF step to right side
6LF cross behind RF
7RF step to right side
8LF stomp next to RF
(weight remains on RF, except for the Tag)

Tag (only during 3rd time part A)
Now do the following steps: R Stomp Side, Hold & Together, R Cross Over With Stomp, Hold, L Stomp Side, Hold & Together, Left Cross Over With Stomp, Hold, ¼ Paddle Turns L x4
1RF stomp right side
&LF step next to RF
3RF stomp crossed over LF
5LF stomp left side
7LF stomp crossed over RF
9RF step on ball of foot fwd
10¼ turn left, with hip to right
11RF step on ball of foot fwd
12¼ turn left, with hip to right
13RF step on ball of foot fwd
14¼ turn left, with hip to right
15RF step on ball of foot fwd
16¼ turn left, with hip to right
Now start again with the dance!

[57-64] L Cross Over, Unwind ½ Turn R, Stomps In Place L-R-L, R Cross Over, Unwind ½ Turn Left, Stomps In Place R-L-R
(Count 1-2: Lift left hand left up, Lift right hand right up, as if you surrender totally)
1LF cross over RF
2L+R ½ turn right (unwind, weight ends on RV)
3(Arms down now)
LF stomp in place
&RF stomp in place
4LF stomp in place
5RF cross over LF
6R+L ½ turn left (unwind, weight ends on LF)
7RF stomp in place
&LF stomp in place
8RF stomp in place

Finish (last wall):
&LF stomp next to RF
2RF stomp forward
End whole dance!

PART B: 64 counts
[1-8] L Rock Fwd, Recover, L Coaster Step, R Side Rock, Recover, R Cross Behind L & L Step Side, R Cross Over
1LF rock/step forward
2RF recover
3LF step behind
&RF step next to LF
4LF step forward
5RF rock/step right side
6LF recover
7RF cross behind LF
&LF step left side
8RF cross over LF

[9-16] L Shuffle Fwd, R Shuffle Fwd, L Step Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn Right, L Stomp Together, R Stomp Together
1LF step forward
&RF step next to LF
2LF step forward (you are now side by side)
3RF step forward
&LF step next to RF
4RF step forward
5LF step forward
6L+R ½ pivot/turn right (weight ends on RF)
7LF stomp next to RF
8RF stomp next to LF

[17-24] L Rock Step Fwd, Recover, L Coaster Step, R Side Rock, Recover, R Cross Behind L & L Step Side, R Cross Over
1LF rock/step forward
2RF recover
3LF step behind
&RF step next to LF
4LF step forward
5RF rock/step right side
6LF recover
7RF cross behind LF
&LF step to left side
8RF cross over LF

[25-32] L Shuffle Fwd, R Shuffle Fwd, L Step Fwd, Pivot ½ Turn Right, L Stomp Together, R Stomp Together
1LF step forward
&RF step next to LF
2LF step forward (you are now side by side)
3RF step forward
&LF step next to RF
4RF step forward
5LF step forward
6L+R ½ pivot/turn right (weight ends on RF)
7LF stomp next to RF
8RF stomp next to LF

[33-40] Walk Fwd L-R, L Stomp Together & Clap Hands With Dancers Beside You, R Kick Fwd, Walk Back R-L, R Coaster Step
1LF walk forward
2RF walk forward
3LF stomp next to RF
(clap with your L-hand against left hand of dancer left next to you and R-hand against R-hand of dancer right next to you)
4RF kick forward
5RF walk back
6LF walk back
7RF step back
&LF step next to RF
8RF step forward

[41-48] Walk Fwd L-R, L Stomp Together & Clap Hands With Dancers Beside You, R Kick Fwd, Walk Back R-L, R Coaster Step
1LF walk forward
2RF walk forward
3LF stomp next to RF
(clap with your L-hand against left hand of dancer left next to you and R-hand against R-hand of dancer right next to you)
4RF kick forward
5RF walk back
6LF walk back
7RF step back
&LF step next to RF
8RF step forward

[49-56] L Jazz Box With Stomp Together, R Jazz Box With Stomp Together
1LF cross over RF
2RF step back
3LF step left side
4RF stomp next to LF
5RF cross over LF
6LF step back
7RF step right side
8LF stomp next to RF (weight remains on RF)

[57-64] L Rolling Vine, R Stomp Together, R Rolling Vine, L Stomp Together
1LF ¼ turn left, step forward
2RF ½ turn left, step back
3LF ¼ turn left, step left side
4RF stomp next to LF (weight remains on LF)
5RF ¼ turn right, step forward
6LF ½ turn right, step back
7RF ¼ turn right, step right side
8LF stomp next to RF

Start again and have fun

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