CopperKnob Stepsheets

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California Dream

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Karen Birks (UK) - August 2011
California King Bed - Rihanna
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16 count intro {start on vocals}

Section 1: Side, Back rock, point, Sailor step, walk walk, shuffle Forward
1Step the left to the left side
2&3Rock back onto right, rock forward onto left, Point right out to right side
4&5Step the right behind left, step the left to the left side, step the right to the right side
6, 7Walk forward left, walk forward right.
8&1step forward onto the left, step the right next to the left, step forward on to the left

Section 2: Rock turn ½, full turn right, Mambo forward, sweep, back, sweep
2&3Rock forward onto the right, Step back on to the left, step forward right making ½ turn right
4&5step back on left making ½ turn over right shoulder, step forward right making ½ turn over right shoulder, step forward onto left
6&7rock forward onto right, step back onto left, step back onto right
&8&sweep left behind right, step down onto left, sweep right behind left

Section 3: Rock, Rock, Point, Behind, Side Cross, Sway, Sway, Sailor half turn
1&2Rock back onto the right, forward onto the left, point the right out to the right side
3&4step the right behind the left, step the left to the left side, cross the right over the left
5,6sway forward onto the left, sway back onto the right*{add 2 extra sways here on wall 5}
7&8Step the left behind the right, step right onto right side making ¼ turn left, step left to left side making ¼ turn left

Section 4: Step, 1/4 point, full turn, sweep behind and cross, sweep 1/4, cross
1, 2step forward onto the right, point left to left side making ¼ turn right
3&4&step left to left side making 1/4 turn over left shoulder, step back on right making 1/2 turn over left shoulder, step left to left side making 1/4 turn left, sweep right behind left
5&6step right behind left, step left to the left side, cross the right over the left
7,8sweep the left over right making ¼ turn right, step the left over the right.

Section 5: Side rock, behind side cross, Side rock, behind side cross
1, 2step the right to the right side, rock back onto the left,
3&4step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over the left*{restart wall 2}
5,6rock the left out to left side, rock back onto the right,
7&8step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right

Section 6: Rock, rock, coaster step, full turn right. Full turn left
1,2Rock forward onto the right, back onto the left
3&4Step back onto the right, step the left next to the right, step forward onto the right
5&6step back onto left making ½ turn right, step forward right making ½ turn right, step forward left
7&8step back onto right making ½ turn left, step forward left making ½ turn left, step forward onto right.

Start again!!! Enjoy!!

1 Restart + 1{tiny!!} Tag and Restart {sorry!!!}

R 1 - Wall 2 section 5 after count 4 restart again from beginning
TR 1 - Wall 5 section 3 after count 6 add 2 extra sways and restart from the beginning

**Please note the version of the song is available from itunes and is from Now 79 Album. The Version from her album is not the right one!!

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