CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Look At Me

( 1 Stimmen)
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Kay Jeong (KOR), Miyeon Seo & Friends (INA) - August 2011
Look At Me, Gwisun - D-LITE
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Intro : 32 Counts

Sec 1: Chasse Right, Rock Back, Chasse Left, Rock Back
1&2Step R to right side, Step L to R, Step R to right side
3-4Rock back on left, Recover on right
5&6Step L to left side, Step R to L, Step L to left side
7-8Rock back on right, Recover on left

Sec 2: 1/4 Jazz Box Right × 2
1-2Cross right over left, Step back left turning 1/4 turn right
3-4Step right to side, Step left next to right
5-6Cross right over left, Step back left turning 1/4 turn right
7-8Step right to side, Step left next to right

Sec 3: Out, Out, In, In × 2
1-2R step to R, L step to L(shoulder apart)
3-4R step back in, L Step together
(Styling : R elbow bend with thumb pointing up, L elbow bend with thumb pointing up, R elbow bend with thumb pointing down, L elbow bend with thumb pointing down)
5-8Repeat (1-4)

Sec 4: Step×4 1/2 Turn L, Right Kick Ball Change ×2 Turning 1/4 Left
1-4Keeping L foot on ground step R foot around ×4 for 1/2 turn L(weight needs to be on the L foot on count)
(styling : Both thumb turn to face 4 times like saying "Look At Me")
5&6Kick right foot forward, Step onto right foot, step forward left making 1/8 turn left
7&8Kick right foot forward, Step onto right foot, step forward left making 1/8 turn left

Ending :
1&2Chasse right
3-4Pivot 1/2 turn R(instead of rock back) and Pose(12:00)

This dance was joint production of team for the creative line dance project at Kay Jeong's class.
Thank you to JeongSeon Lee, Cosmos Shin, Cinderella Shin, CelloTree Na, BlackLady Jeon
(They are members of team).

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