CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Monster In The Mirror

( 2 Stimmen)
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Kirsten Matthiessen (DK) - August 2011
Intro: 36 count intro (app. 18 sec. into track)

[1-8] Rock step, Ball step ½ R, Rock fw, Side rock, Behind side cross
1-2Rock R fw, recover onto L 12:00
&3-4Step R next to L, step L fw, turn ½ R stepping onto R 06:00
5&6&Rock L fw, recover onto R, rock L to L side, recover onto R 06:00
7&8Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R 06:00

[9-16] Side rock, Ball side rock, Sailor ¼ L, Kick ball touch
1-2Rock R to R side, recover onto L 06:00
&3-4Step R next to L, rock L to L side, recover onto R 06:00
5&6Cross L behind R, turn ¼ L stepping R a small step to R side, step L fw 03:00
7&8Kick R fw, step R next to L, touch L next to R

[17-24] Ball step touch, Back x2, Sailor L, Sailor R
&1-2Step L next to R, step R fw, touch L next to R 03:00
3-4Walk back L swivelling R toes to R, walk back R swivelling L toes to L 03:00
5&6Cross L behind R, step R slightly to R side, step L to L side 03:00
7&8Cross R behind L, step L slightly to L side, step R to R side 03:00

[25-32] Kick ¼ L point, Step ¼ R, Step ½ R, Coaster R, Walk x2
1&2Kick L fw, turn ¼ L stepping L to L side, point R to R side (looking L) 12:00
3-4Turn ¼ R stepping R fw, turn ½ R stepping L back 09:00
5&6Step R back, step L next to R, step R fw 09:00
7-8Walk L fw, walk R fw 09:00

[33-40] Kick step lock step x2, scuff hitch touch, slide ½ R, slide ¼ R
1&2&Kick L fw, step L fw, lock R behind L, step L fw 09:00
3&4&Kick R fw, step R fw, lock L behind R, step R fw 09:00
5&6Scuff L fw, hitch L, touch L next to R 09:00
7-8Pushing down on L slide ½ R stepping R fw, drag L fw turning ¼ R stepping L to L side 06:00

[41-48] Heel lift x2, Swivel R, Arms, ¼ L
1&2&Lift R heel, lift L heel, lower R heel, lower L heel 06:00
3&4Swivel R toes towards L, swivel R heel towards L, swivel R toes towards L (feet ends together) 06:00
5&Lift R arm 90deg to R side bending 90deg at elbow (fingers facing front, palm down) (5), lift L arm 90deg to L side bending 90deg at elbow (fingers facing front, palm down) (&) 06:00
6&Keeping the position of your R arm move it in front of your body (hand at chest level) (6), keeping the position of your L arm move it in front of your body placing L palm on top of R (&) 06:00
7&Drop L elbow and raise R elbow 450 (7), return to normal (&) 06:00
8&Turn upper body ¼ L (8), turn lower body ¼ L (&) 03:00

[49-56] R heel grind, Sailor heel, Ball cross, ¼ L, Shuffle ¼ L
1-2Touch R heel fw (toes pointing L), step L to L side grinding R heel (toes now pointing R) 03:00
3&4Step R behind L, step L next to R, touch R heel fw towards R diagonal 03:00
&5-6Step R next to L, cross L in front of R, turn ¼ L stepping back on R 12:00
7&8Turn ¼ L stepping L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side 09:00

[57-64] Vaudeville R & L, Jazz box ½ R
1&2&Cross R in front of L, step L to L side, touch R heel fw towards R diagonal, step down on R 09:00
3&4&Cross L in front of R, step R to R side, touch L heel fw towards L diagonal, step down on L 09:00
5-8Cross R in front of L, turn ¼ R stepping back on L, turn ¼ R stepping R fw, step L fw 03:00

Good luck & Enjoy! _

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