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Firebird Fly

( 1 Stimmen)
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Sofia (NL) - August 2011
Firebird Fly - Little Big Town
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Start: On vocals

[1-8] 2 walks forward, heel switches, R. lockstep back, heel, touch
1R. step forward
2L. step forward
3R. heel touch forward
&R. step in place
4L. heel touch forward
&L. step in place
5R. step back
&L. across R.
6R. step back
7L. heel touch forward
8L. step back in place and R.touch next to L

[9-16] 1/4 turn right R. lockstep, L. lockstep, mambo, 2 sweeps back,
1¼ turn right R. step forward
&L. lock behind R.
2R. step forward
3L. step forward
&R. lock behind L.
4L. step forward
5R. rock forward
&recover weight on L.
6R. step next to L.
7L. step back with a sweep out to the left
8R. step back with a sweep out to the right

[17-24] L. sailor ¼ turn left with sweep, R. lockstep, pivot ½ turn right, full turn left
1L. step with sweep behind R.
&make ¼ turn left stepping forward on R.
2L. step to the left side
3R. step forward
&L. lock behind R.
4R. step forward
5L. step forward
&pivot ½ turn right transferring weight to R.
6L. step forward
7½ turn left R. step back
8½ turn left L. step forward

[25-32] R. chassé, rock back, ½ rumba box, Step to the side with sway, sway
1R. step to right side
&L. next to R.
2R. step to right side
3L. rock back
4recover weight
5L. step to the left side
&R. next to L.
6L. step forward
7R. step to the right with a sway
8sway to the left
[33-40] R. kickball step, swivel, L. lockstep back, rock back
1R. kick forward
&R. next to L.
2L. step forward
3Swivel both heels left
4Swivel both heels back to the middle
5L. step back
&R. across L.
6L. step back
7R.rock back
8recover weight

[41-48] ¼ turn left with a hitch, R. chassé, ½ turn left with hitch, L. chassé, cross mambo, cross, touch with Elvis knee
1¼ turn left(hitch) R. step to the right
&L. next to R.
2R. step to the right side
3½ turn left(hitch) L.step to left side
&R. next to L.
4L. step to the left side
5R. rock across L.
&recover weight
6R. step next to L.
7L. step across R.
8R. touch next to L. with Elvis knee

[49-56] 2 diagonal heelball crosses, R. scissor step, ¼ turn left, step forward, touch
1dig R. heel diagonally forward right
&step ball of R. next to L.
2L. step across R.
3dig R. heel diagonally forward right
&step ball of R. next to L.
4L. step across R.
5R. step to the right
&L. step next to R.
6R. cross slightly over L.
7¼ turn left L. step forward
8R. touch next to L.

[57-64] cross over, step back, side point, 2x R. sailor, touch behind, ¾ unwind
1R. step across L.
&L. step back
2R. point to the right side
3R. step across L.
&L. step back
4R. point to the right side
5R. step behind L.
&L. step to the left side
6R. step to the right side
7L. touch behind R.
8¾ unwind (weight on L.)

Tag: 16 counts after the 3th wall on 3 o’clock.
[1-8] big step, slide, slow rolling vine, touch
1R. big step to the right
2-4drag L. to R.
5¼ turn left L. step forward
6¼ turn left R. step aside
7½ turn left L. step aside
8R. touch next to L.

[9-16] R. slow forward coaster step, step back, cross, ¼ turn right 2x, step forward
1R. step forward
2L. step next to R.
3R. step back
4L. step back
5R. cross step over L.
6¼ turn right L. step back
7¼ turn right R. step forward
8L. step forward

Ending : dance the first 8 counts of the dance and then add (on 6 o’clock) the 8 count ending
1-4R. cross over L. unwind ½ (weight on R.)
5-8L. big step to the left, drag R. to the L.


Trudebu August 30, 2011
Nice music, nice dance !!!

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