CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hollywood Hills

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Easy Intermediate
Anja Wagner - March 2011
Hollywood Hills - Sunrise Avenue
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The dance begins after the first verse, with the first heavy beat.

[1 – 8] Touch – kick - coaster step – rock step – triple ½ turn
1-2touch right beside left, kick right diagonally forward right
3&4step back right, step left beside right, step forward on right
5-6rock left forward, recover to right
7&8½ tripple turn left stepping left-right-left (6:00)

[9 – 16] Rock step - ¼ turn rock step – kick ball step – kick ball step
1-2rock right forward, recover to left
3-4¼ turn left (3:00) and rock right back, recover to left
5&6kick right forward, step on ball of right foot, step left forward
7&8repeat 5&6
Restart here in 2nd wall (6:00)

[17 – 24] Rock step – ¼ side shuffle – cross – touch - heel twist
1-2rock right forward, recover to left
3&4¼ turn right (6:00) and step right to side, step left together, step right to side
5-6cross left over right, touch right to side
7step right beside left and twist heels to left with bending knees
8twist heels center and stand up with weight on left

[25 – 32] ¼ turn with shuffle forward – step turn – shuffle forward – full turn
1&2¼ turn right (9:00) and shuffle forward stepping right-left-right
3-4step left forward, ½ turn right, weight on right (3:00)
5&6shuffle forward stepping left-right-left
7½ turn left and step right back (9:00)
8½ turn left and step left forward (3:00)

Start again and smile!

Tag at the end of the 4th wall (12:00):
[1 – 8] Step – touch – step – touch (2x)
1-2step right to right side, touch left beside right
3-4step left to left side, touch right beside left
5-8repeat 1-4

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