Intermediate Lindy Hop Rhythm
Intro: 16 ct. drum ~ 32 instrumental ~ Start on the word “It’s”
Characteristics of the Lindy Hop: There is actually no “hop” in the Lindy Hop. It is danced with a downward pulse.
The look is down low, with bent knees, open arms, and a bend at the waist – not your typical dance posture .
The Lindy Hop style originated in the Harlem jazz clubs in the 1920’s and is the basis of all swing dances today.
NOTE: The line dance can be done without the bouncy feel, making it less aerobic and adaptable to more dance levels.
1 – 2Kick R forward/downward; Step R forward
3 – 5Kick L forward/downward; Hitch L toward center of body; Kick L back
6 – 8Step L back; Rock R back; Return weight to L
1 – 2Kick R forward/downward; Step R forward
3 – 5Kick L forward/downward; Hitch L toward center of body; Kick L back
6 – 8Step L back; Rock R back; Return weight to L
[17-24] 2 CROSS OVERS
1 – 4Kick R to left front/downward diagonal; Step R across L; Rock L to left; Recover weight to R
5 – 8Kick L to right front/downward diagonal; Step L across R; Rock R to right; Recover weight to L
1 – 4Grind R heel in front of L foot; Step L to left; Grind R heel in front of L foot; Step L to left (these travel left)
5 – 8Step R over L; Step back on L; Turn ¼ R, step R to right; Step L forward
[33-40] ½ BREAKS (this set begins the Rag Top Down Chorus)
1 – 4Leap step R to forward R diagonal, bending R knee, leaving L leg extended out behind you; Return weight to L foot; Rock R back; Return weight to L foot
5 – 8Leap step R to forward R diagonal, bending R knee, leaving L leg extended out behind you; Return weight to L foot; Rock R back; Return weight to L foot
Think of these as 2 fancied up rocking chairs. Arm styling: Arms out like baseball umpire “safe” on cts. 1 and 5
1 – 4Roll R hip & knee CW, stepping forward on R (2 cts); Roll L hip & knee CCW, stepping forward on L (2 cts)
5 – 8Roll R hip & knee CW, stepping forward on R (2 cts); Roll L hip & knee CCW, stepping forward on L (2 cts
[49-56] CROSS SCOOT STEP STEP (glorified traveling back jazz box) X2
1 – 4Cross R over L; Scoot back on R (left knee bent with L foot back); Step L back; Step R to back right diagonal
5 – 8Cross L over R; Scoot back on L (right knee bent with R foot back); Step R back; Step L to left
1-4Kick downward or point R across L, Step R to right, Kick downward or point L across R, Step L to left
5 – 8Step in place R, L, R, L with feet apart, knees bent, knock knees together each time you step.
(Step slightly forward on ct. 8)
TAG: End of 3rd wall, facing 3:00. Take 6 slows walks in a big circle R, beginning with R foot. Wave the R index finger in the air as you make the big circle. Come back to the 3:00 wall (12 cts.)
PICK UP: After the tag, pick up the dance on ct. 33 (1/2 breaks – Rag Top Down Chorus).
END: Music fades on 9:00 wall after ct. 64 (rubber legs). Turn ¼ left, stepping R forward into lunge. Hands in the baseball umpire “safe” position.
Pulse the R heel (and shoulders – optional) to the beat until the song is over.
Contact: Web access: -
Characteristics of the Lindy Hop: There is actually no “hop” in the Lindy Hop. It is danced with a downward pulse.
The look is down low, with bent knees, open arms, and a bend at the waist – not your typical dance posture .
The Lindy Hop style originated in the Harlem jazz clubs in the 1920’s and is the basis of all swing dances today.
NOTE: The line dance can be done without the bouncy feel, making it less aerobic and adaptable to more dance levels.
1 – 2Kick R forward/downward; Step R forward
3 – 5Kick L forward/downward; Hitch L toward center of body; Kick L back
6 – 8Step L back; Rock R back; Return weight to L
1 – 2Kick R forward/downward; Step R forward
3 – 5Kick L forward/downward; Hitch L toward center of body; Kick L back
6 – 8Step L back; Rock R back; Return weight to L
[17-24] 2 CROSS OVERS
1 – 4Kick R to left front/downward diagonal; Step R across L; Rock L to left; Recover weight to R
5 – 8Kick L to right front/downward diagonal; Step L across R; Rock R to right; Recover weight to L
1 – 4Grind R heel in front of L foot; Step L to left; Grind R heel in front of L foot; Step L to left (these travel left)
5 – 8Step R over L; Step back on L; Turn ¼ R, step R to right; Step L forward
[33-40] ½ BREAKS (this set begins the Rag Top Down Chorus)
1 – 4Leap step R to forward R diagonal, bending R knee, leaving L leg extended out behind you; Return weight to L foot; Rock R back; Return weight to L foot
5 – 8Leap step R to forward R diagonal, bending R knee, leaving L leg extended out behind you; Return weight to L foot; Rock R back; Return weight to L foot
Think of these as 2 fancied up rocking chairs. Arm styling: Arms out like baseball umpire “safe” on cts. 1 and 5
1 – 4Roll R hip & knee CW, stepping forward on R (2 cts); Roll L hip & knee CCW, stepping forward on L (2 cts)
5 – 8Roll R hip & knee CW, stepping forward on R (2 cts); Roll L hip & knee CCW, stepping forward on L (2 cts
[49-56] CROSS SCOOT STEP STEP (glorified traveling back jazz box) X2
1 – 4Cross R over L; Scoot back on R (left knee bent with L foot back); Step L back; Step R to back right diagonal
5 – 8Cross L over R; Scoot back on L (right knee bent with R foot back); Step R back; Step L to left
1-4Kick downward or point R across L, Step R to right, Kick downward or point L across R, Step L to left
5 – 8Step in place R, L, R, L with feet apart, knees bent, knock knees together each time you step.
(Step slightly forward on ct. 8)
TAG: End of 3rd wall, facing 3:00. Take 6 slows walks in a big circle R, beginning with R foot. Wave the R index finger in the air as you make the big circle. Come back to the 3:00 wall (12 cts.)
PICK UP: After the tag, pick up the dance on ct. 33 (1/2 breaks – Rag Top Down Chorus).
END: Music fades on 9:00 wall after ct. 64 (rubber legs). Turn ¼ left, stepping R forward into lunge. Hands in the baseball umpire “safe” position.
Pulse the R heel (and shoulders – optional) to the beat until the song is over.
Contact: Web access: -