Quick Intro - Start on Vocals. (Don’t be put of by the number of counts as it is very repetitive)
[1 – 6] Forward L touch R hold. Back R touch L hold
1, 2, 3Step Left foot forward. Touch Right in behind Left. Hold
4, 5, 6Step Right foot back. Touch Left beside Right. Hold
[7 – 12] Back Left. Touch. Step. Forward triple full turn Right (LRL)
1, 2, 3Step back on Left. Touch Right in front of Left. Step forward on Right
4, 5, 6Triple full turn Right travelling forward (L. R. L.)
[13 – 24] as steps 1 – 12 mirrored starting on Right
1, 2, 3Step Right foot forward. Touch Left in behind Right Hold
4, 5, 6Step back on Left. Touch Right beside Left. Hold
1, 2, 3Step back on Right. Touch Left in front of Right. Step forward on Left
4, 5, 6Triple full turn Left travelling forward. (R. L. R.)
[25 – 30] Weave. Side. Drag.
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Step Right to Side. Step Left Behind Right.
4, 5, 6Long step Right to side. Drag Left to Right without weight (2counts)
[31 – 36] Step. Low kick. Ronde. Sailor ½ turn Right
1, 2, 3Step forward on Left. Kick Right foot forward. Sweep Right around
4, 5, 6Sailor ½ turn Right (R.L. R.)
[37 – 48] As 25 - 36 but ending with Sailor ¼ turn
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Step Right to Side. Step Left Behind Right.
4, 5, 6Long step Right to side. Drag Left to Right without weight (2counts)
1, 2, 3Step forward on Left. Kick Right foot forward. Sweep Right around From front to back
4, 5, 6Sailor ¼ turn Right (R.L.R.)
[49 – 60] Monterey ½ turn Right x 2
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Point Right to Side. Hold
4, 5, 6½ turn Right. Point Left to Side. Hold
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Point Right to side. Hold
4, 5, 6½ turn Right. Point Right to side. Hold
*** Restarts here on walls 3 and 6 - Change 2nd ½ turn Right to a ¼ turn; Restart dance from beginning.
[61 – 66] Twinkle. Twinkle ½ turn Right
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Step Right to side. Step left beside Right
4, 5, 6Cross Right over Left. ½ turn R stepping Left to side. Close Right to Left
[67 – 72] Twinkle. Twinkle ¼ turn Right
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Step Right to Side. Step Left beside Right
4, 5, 6Cross Right over Left. ¼ turn R stepping left to side, Close Right to Left
[73 – 84] Forward & Back Basic to corners ( making ¾ turn Left)
1, 2, 3Basic forward L.R.L to R/h corner (7-30)
4, 5, 6Basic back R.L.R ¼ turn L into L/h corner (4-30)
1, 2, 3Basic forward L.R.L. ¼ turn L into 1-30)
4, 5, 6Basic back R.L.R. ¼ turn L into 10-30)
[85 – 90] Cross Rock Side x 2
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right Squaring up to 9o-clock. Rock Right to side. Rock Left to Side
4, 5, 6Cross Right over Left. Rock Left to side. Rock Right to side
[91 – 96] Cross unwind ¾ Right . Coaster step
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Unwind a ¾ turn Right over 2 counts ending Weight on Left
4, 5, 6Step Right Back. Close Left to Right. Step forward on Right.
Repeat & Enjoy
[1 – 6] Forward L touch R hold. Back R touch L hold
1, 2, 3Step Left foot forward. Touch Right in behind Left. Hold
4, 5, 6Step Right foot back. Touch Left beside Right. Hold
[7 – 12] Back Left. Touch. Step. Forward triple full turn Right (LRL)
1, 2, 3Step back on Left. Touch Right in front of Left. Step forward on Right
4, 5, 6Triple full turn Right travelling forward (L. R. L.)
[13 – 24] as steps 1 – 12 mirrored starting on Right
1, 2, 3Step Right foot forward. Touch Left in behind Right Hold
4, 5, 6Step back on Left. Touch Right beside Left. Hold
1, 2, 3Step back on Right. Touch Left in front of Right. Step forward on Left
4, 5, 6Triple full turn Left travelling forward. (R. L. R.)
[25 – 30] Weave. Side. Drag.
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Step Right to Side. Step Left Behind Right.
4, 5, 6Long step Right to side. Drag Left to Right without weight (2counts)
[31 – 36] Step. Low kick. Ronde. Sailor ½ turn Right
1, 2, 3Step forward on Left. Kick Right foot forward. Sweep Right around
4, 5, 6Sailor ½ turn Right (R.L. R.)
[37 – 48] As 25 - 36 but ending with Sailor ¼ turn
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Step Right to Side. Step Left Behind Right.
4, 5, 6Long step Right to side. Drag Left to Right without weight (2counts)
1, 2, 3Step forward on Left. Kick Right foot forward. Sweep Right around From front to back
4, 5, 6Sailor ¼ turn Right (R.L.R.)
[49 – 60] Monterey ½ turn Right x 2
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Point Right to Side. Hold
4, 5, 6½ turn Right. Point Left to Side. Hold
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Point Right to side. Hold
4, 5, 6½ turn Right. Point Right to side. Hold
*** Restarts here on walls 3 and 6 - Change 2nd ½ turn Right to a ¼ turn; Restart dance from beginning.
[61 – 66] Twinkle. Twinkle ½ turn Right
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Step Right to side. Step left beside Right
4, 5, 6Cross Right over Left. ½ turn R stepping Left to side. Close Right to Left
[67 – 72] Twinkle. Twinkle ¼ turn Right
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Step Right to Side. Step Left beside Right
4, 5, 6Cross Right over Left. ¼ turn R stepping left to side, Close Right to Left
[73 – 84] Forward & Back Basic to corners ( making ¾ turn Left)
1, 2, 3Basic forward L.R.L to R/h corner (7-30)
4, 5, 6Basic back R.L.R ¼ turn L into L/h corner (4-30)
1, 2, 3Basic forward L.R.L. ¼ turn L into 1-30)
4, 5, 6Basic back R.L.R. ¼ turn L into 10-30)
[85 – 90] Cross Rock Side x 2
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right Squaring up to 9o-clock. Rock Right to side. Rock Left to Side
4, 5, 6Cross Right over Left. Rock Left to side. Rock Right to side
[91 – 96] Cross unwind ¾ Right . Coaster step
1, 2, 3Cross Left over Right. Unwind a ¾ turn Right over 2 counts ending Weight on Left
4, 5, 6Step Right Back. Close Left to Right. Step forward on Right.
Repeat & Enjoy