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The Big Bang!!!

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Phrased Intermediate
Rene Madsen (DK) - April 2011
The Big Bang - Rock Mafia
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Part A = 32 counts, Part B = 32 counts
Sequence: A, B, A, B, A, First 24 counts of A, B, A

Part A
[1-8] Fw Rock, Walk, Kick, Cross Side Rock, Walk, ½ Mambo, Walk
1-2Rock R fw, recover L
3&4&Step R fw, kick L to L diagonal, cross L over R, rock R to R side
5-6Recover L, step R fw
7&8&Rock L fw, recover R, ½ turn L step L fw, step R fw (6.00)

[9-16] ¼ R sweep, ½ Unwind with Sweep, Sailor Step, Tap, Walk x2, Fw Coaster, Back
1-2¼ R on ball of R sweep L, Cross L over R making ½ turn R sweeping R to side (3.00)
3&4&Step R behind L, step L next to R, step R fw, tap L next to R
5-6Step L fw, step R fw
7&8&Step L fw, step R next to L, step L back, step R back

[17-24] ¼ Side Body Roll L, Behind Side, Rockin Chair, ¼ R Cross, Side Rock Cross
1-2¼ L step L to L start the body roll, continue body roll end with weight on L (12.00)
3&4&Step R behind L, step L to L, rock R fw, recover L
5-6Rock R back, recover L
7&8&¼ R cross R over L, rock L to L side, recover R, cross L over R (3.00)

[25-32] Side, ½ L Pivot, ¼ L Pivot, Walk x2, ½ R, ½ R
1-2Big step to R on R, drag L to R put weight on L
3&4&Step R fw, ½ L step L fw, step R fw, ¼ L step L to L (6.00)
5-6Cross R over L as you walk fw, Cross L over R as you walk fw (prep for turn)
7-8½ R Step R fw, ½ R step L back (6.00)

Part B
[1-8] ½ R sweep, cross, ¼ L, ¼ L, Fw Rock, Drag, Back Rock, ½ R, ¼ R, Cross
1-2½ R step R fw sweeping L, cross L over R (12.00)
3&4&¼ L step R back, ¼ L step L to L, rock R fw, recover L (6.00)
5-6Step R back drag L toe to R, rock L back
7&8&Recover R, ½ R step L back, ¼ R step R to R, cross L over R (3.00)

[9-16] Side Rock, Syncopated Weave, ½ L Walk, Fw Rock
1-2Rock R to R side, recover L
3&4&Cross R behind L, step L to L, cross R over L, step L to L
5-6Cross R behind L, ¼ L step L fw (12.00)
7-8¼ L step R forward, rock L fw (9.00)

[17-24] Back Rock Look, Fw Rock, Back, ½ L, ¼ L, ½ L, Walk x2
1-2Rock R back look over R shoulder, recover L
3&4&Rock R fw, recover L, step R back, ½ L step L fw (3.00)
5-6¼ L Step R to R, ½ L step L fw (6.00)
7-8Walk R fw, walk L fw

[25-32] ½ L unwind, Behind, Roll Hip, Hip Roll, Cross, ¼ L Rock fw, ¼ L, Tap
1-2Cross R over L unwinding ½ turn L sweeping L to side, step L behind R (12.00)
3-4Step R to R roll hip to R, step L to L roll hip to L
5-6Roll hip clockwise R weight end on L, Cross R over L
7&8&¼ L rock L fw, recover R, ¼ L step L to L, tap R next to L (6.00)

Restart (with a little change) On wall 6 you will only do the first 24 counts of A, but…
Instead of doing the 7&8& do This:
7-8½ R Step R fw, ½ R step L back and then Part B. I´ll wish you good luck

Hit the beats, enjoy and have some fun

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