CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Skiddilly Diddilly

( 2 Stimmen)
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Denis Flanagan (IRE) - March 2011
Skiddilly (3FM Version) - Terry Gordon
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(Short fast Intro. Start on vocals. Its hard to hit ct.1 so already have your weight on Rf. closing Lf. on 2)

Side Together,Knee & Shoulder Pops,Vine Left with ¼ Turn Left, Stomp Up.
1-2Step Right to Right Side (wide). Step Left next to Right.
&3&4(with penguin hands) Pop Knees & Shoulders, Right, Left, Right, Left (Wiggle)
5-6Step Left to Left Side, Cross Right behind Left
7-8Make a ¼ Turn Left stepping forward on left, Stomp Right next to Left into hitch (9 o’clock)

Right, Heel Hitch, Heel Hitch, Coaster Step. Left, Heel Hitch, Heel Hitch, ¼ Left Coaster Cross.
1&Dig Right Heel Forward, Hitch Right Knee Up,
2&Dig Right Heel Forward, Hitch Right Knee Up, (Try scooting slightly back on the & counts)
3&4Step Back on Right. Step Left next to right. Step Forward on Right.
5&Dig Left Heel Forward, Hitch Left Knee Up
6&Dig Left Heel Forward, Hitch Left Knee Up (Try scooting slightly back on the & counts)
7&8Step Back on Left, Step Right next to Left, making ¼ Turn Left, Cross Left over Right. (6 o, clock)

Point & Point & Toe-Heel-Split. Walk Back-bump-bump x2
1&2&Point Right to Right, Step Right next to Left, Point Left to Left side, Step Left next Right,
3&4Touch Right Toes Forward, Swivel both Heels Out, both Heels In. (weight ends on Left)
5Walk Back on Right (stepping right behind left)
&6Bump Hips forward, Bump Hips back.
7Walk Back on Left (stepping left behind right)
&8Bump Hips forward, Bump Hips back.
(Dance counts 5 to 8 with penguin hands)

Step Fwd Touch, ¼ left Point, Sweep ½ Right onto Right,Touch (claps) Step Fwd Drag.Clap-Clap
1-2Step forward onto Right, Touch Left next to Right, Clap.
3-4Make a ¼ Turn Left stepping forward on left, Point Right to Right, Clap. (3 o’clock)
5-6Sweep Right back ½ Turn Right stepping onto Right foot, (now moving forwards) Touch Left next to Right. Clap ( 9 o’clock)
7&8Step Left forward (over the fence), Drag Right to touch next to left. clapping on &8

Omission: Wall 4 facing 3 o’clock, leave out the first 8 counts and start the dance on count 9 (right heel dig)
Wall 9 also facing 3 o’clock is only 8 counts long. Dance the first 8 counts and restart, now facing front.

“Penguin Hands” = Arms tight to your sides, fingers (hands) pointing outwards.

Remember: It’s all for ‘The Craic”

Denis March 22, 2011
This is the correct music link:

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