CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Like A Nightmare

( 3 Stimmen)
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Amy Spencer (USA) & Adam Berman (USA) - February 2011
Her World Goes On (Radio Edit) - Justin Michael & Kemal
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Intro: Dance starts after 16 counts on the vocals

Front Chug 2x, Back Chug 2x, Step Left Then Step Right, Making ½ Turn (Or A 1 ½ Turn)
1-2On diagonal to right corner chug left foot forward 2x making ½ turn to right
3-4Continue direction of turn with 2 chugs backwards on the right another ½ turn
5-6Still turning right step left ½ turn, step right ½ turn, prep weight on right foot
7-8Reverse spin direction to left, weight on the right either ½ or 1½ (end square to back wall)

Side Sailor, Hop Heel Hop Drag, Cross Drop, Step Close ½ Turn Left
1&2Side sailor left, right, left (without dropping the left from the prior spin)
&3&4Hop on left foot, push right heel frwd and tap it down, hop on left, drag right to side
5-6Deep cross of left over right, deep lean out over right foot
7-8Step left to left side begin a ½ turn to left, complete turn by closing right next to left

Heel Toes Heel Toes Heel, Twist Up, Twist Down, Heel Toes Heels, Back Step Left ¼ Turn, Step Right ½ Turn
1&2&3Combo moves right in twist motion: heels toes heels toes heels
&4Twist heels left in an upward motion (releve’), twist heels down to right
5&6Twist combo moving left, heels toes heels
7-8Step left back making ¼ turn right, step right around making ½ turn right

Rock Left Front, Step Right Ball Switch, Pull Right Into Left, Push Glide ½ Turn, Push Glide ¼ Turn
1,2&3Press forward with left, step right in place, step left next to right, press right frwd
4With quick action pull right into left (leave weight on left)
5-6Push right back and transfer weight to right while making a ½ turn right
7-8Push left back and transfer weight to left while making a ¼ turn left
RESTART: ON wall 5 the dance restarts after 32 counts.

ARMS: Forward, Into Chest, Overlap, Lift, Left Wrist Drop, Hook Head Pull Down, Chin Knock Up, Hit Left Out The Way Making ¼ Turn Leading With Head.
1&Shoot both arms straight forward from shoulder level, bend at elbows so palms are at chest
2&Slide together be sure to overlap right over left, lift right from elbow with bent wrist
3-4Bend left wrist down, keeping connection put arms over head
5-6Use arms to pull head down, circle right from behind head under left to hit chin up
7Continue circle of right and hit the left
8Reach out with right and swing it around, feet do a ¼ turn pivot left

Hinge Touch Push, Hinge Touch Push, Heel Twist Ball Step, Heel Twist Ball Step (adv option below)
1&2Hinge right knee up, touch right toes down, slide left out to left side
3&4Hinge left knee up, touch left toes down, slide right out to right side
5&6Put right heel frwd but turned in, turn out foot as stepping on left, step right
7&8Put left heel frwd but turned in, turn out foot as stepping on right, step left
Advanced OPTION for counts 5-8: same footwork double time so combo happens 2x

Tap Toe Tap Heel, ¼ Turn Ball Switch, Touch Right, Heel Bounce 2x , Shoulder Sway Left Then Right 1/4 Turn
1&2Tap right toes out to right, tap right heel to floor, turn body ¼ turn right
&34Step right next to left, step left frwd, pull right from behind into left (keep weight on left)
&56Slide right out to right side, bounce right heel into floor 2x
7-8Sway shoulders with hanging arms using left shoulder to right, then right shoulder to left

Kick Step Touch ½ Left Turning Sailor, Kick Step Step ½ Right Turning Sailor
1&2Kick right frwd, step down on right, touch left next to right
3&4Turning sailor left, right, left, making a ½ turn left
5&6Kick right frwd, step down on right, step left
7&8Turning sailor: right, left, right, making a ½ turn right

TAG: BEFORE Wall 5: Freestyle TAG of 2 sets of 8 - arm waves and rolls works best with the music here

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