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Cool Stars

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Tony Myers (UK) - January 2011
The Stars - Lady A : (CD: Need you Now)
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Alt. Music: Cooler than Me by Mike Posner. Cd: 31 minutes to take off.

Count in 32 for “Stars Tonight” - 4 counts for “Cooler than Me”

Step, turn: Rock Recover Rock: Recover, turn: Cross shuffle
1,2Step forward on right, pivot 1/8 turn left (10:30)
3&4Rock right across left, recover on left, Rock right across left
5,6recover on left stepping back on left, turn 3/8 right stepping forward right (3:00)
7&8Cross left over right, step right to side, cross left over Right

Skate, touch: sailor step: Skate, touch: Sailor ½ turn
1,2Skate forward on right foot, touch left across right
3&4Step left behind right, step right next to left, step left to side **
5,6Skate forward on right foot, touch left across right
7&8Step left behind right, turn ¼ left stepping back on right, turn ¼ left stepping left to side (9:00) *

Kick, cross; Back, back, point: & point turn: left kick ball step
1,2Kick right forward, Cross right over left
3&4Step back left, step back right, point left to side
&5,6Step left next to right, point right to side, turn ¼ right weight on right (12:00) ***
7&8Kick left forward, step on left, step forward on right

Cross, side: behind, turn, step: ½ turn: Cross rock, side
1,2Cross left over right, step right to side
3&4Step left behind right, turn ¼ right step forward right, step forward left (3:00)
5,6Step right to side, Turn ½ left stepping left to side (9:00)
7&8Rock right across left, recover on left, Step right to side #

Step, turn: L shuffle: Cross, back: Chasse ¼ turn
1,2Step forward on left, pivot ½ turn right (3:00)
3&4Step forward left, step right next to left, step forward left
5,6Cross right over left, step back on left
7&8Step right to right side, step left next to right, turn ¼ right stepping right forward (6:00)

Walk forward L, R: Mambo turn: turn sweep: cross, side, behind
1,2Walk forward left, walk forward right
3&4Rock forward left, recover right, turn ½ left stepping forward left (12:00)
5,6Turn ¼ right on right, sweep left round to front (3:00)
7&8Cross left over right, step right to side, step left behind right

Swivel, swivel: Back shuffle: touch turn: Kick out out
1,2Swivel heels turning ¼ left (12:00), swivel heels turning ¼ right (3:00)
3&4Step back on right, step left together, step back on right
5,6Touch left toe back, turn ½ left stepping on left (9:00)
7&8Kick right out, step out right, step out left

Side rock, ¼ turn: Side rock & cross: Side, together: Coaster step
1,2Rock right to side, recover on left turning ¼ left (6:00)
3&4Rock right to side, recover on left, cross right over left
5,6Step left to side, step right next to left
7&8Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward

Restarts for 'Stars Tonight':
Walls * 2 and 6 (back Wall) Dance first 16 counts altering the ½ sailor to ¼ turn sailor thus counts 7&8 become:
7&8Step left behind right, turn ¼ left stepping back on right, Step left to side (restart on back wall)

Wall 4 ** (front wall) dance first 12 counts altering sailor step to sailor step ¼ turn left thus counts 3&4 become:
3&4Step left behind right, turn ¼ left stepping back on right, step left to side (restart on front wall)

Wall 10 *** Last wall. Front. Dance finishes on count 21 point right to side just turn ¼ right to finish on front wall

Restart for 'Cooler than Me':
Wall 7 # (front) dance first 32 counts alter counts 7&8 cross rock ,side to 7&8 right coaster ¼ turn left (restart back wall)

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