CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Best Of Both Worlds

( 1 Stimmen)
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Phrased Intermediate
Wendy Teh (MY) - November 2010
The Best of Both Worlds - Hannah Montana
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Intro: Start after 8 counts

Sequence: Tag 1, A, B, Tag 1, A, B, Tag 2, A(32), A(44) Hold 2 counts, B, B, Ending

Section A (48 counts)
Step R Fwd, L Kick Ball Point, R Sailor Step, L Sailor ¼ L Turn, Kick R
1,2&3step R fwd, kick L fwd, step L in place, point R out
4&5step R behind L, step L slightly L, step R to R
6&7step L behind R ¼ L turn, step R slightly R, step L to L (9.00)
8kick R to R diagonal

Flick ¼ L Turn, Bump 2x, ¾ L Turn, L Coaster Step, Lock Step Fwd
1,2&3flick R behind ¼ L turn, step R to R bump twice to R (sit position) (6.00)
4,5¼ L turn step L fwd, ½ L turn step R back (9.00)
6&7step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd
&8lock R behind L, s tep L fwd

Side Rock Cross 2x, Twist ½ Turn 2x
1&2rock R to R, recover onto L, cross R over L
3&4rock L to L, recover onto R, cross L over R
5&6twist both heels ½ R turn,
7&8twist both heels ½ L turn (weight on R)

Rock Fwd Side, Behind side Cross, Rock Fwd Side, Sailor ½ R Turn
1&2&rock L fwd, recover onto R, rock L to L, recover onto R
3&4cross L behind R, step R to R, cross L over R
5&6&rock R fwd, recover onto L, rock R to R, recover onto L
7&8&sailor ½ R turn step R behind L, step L slightly L, step R to R, step L beside R (3.00)

Drag Step, Twist Heels, Side Chasse 2x
1-2long step R to R, drag & step L next to R
3&4twist heels to L-R-L
5&6step R to R, close L to R, step R to R,
7&8step L to L, close R to L, step L to L

Kick Ball Change 2x, Step Out Out In In, Running Step In Place
1&2kick R to R diagonal, step R beside L, step L slightly fwd
3&4kick R to R diagonal, step R b eside L, step L slightly fwd
5&6&step R out, step L out, step R back, step L beside R
7&8step R in place, step L in place, stomp R in place

Section B (32 counts)
Hop 3x Punch R Hand, Jump Apart & Cross
1-3both feet together hop to R 3 times
4jump feet apart (count 1~4 punch R hand up 4 times)
5-6jump cross R over L, jump apart,
7&8jump cross R over L, jump apart, jump cross R over L

Unwind 1/2L Turn, Applejack, Mashpotato
1-2unwind ½ L turn, hold (9.00)
&3lift L toe up & turn out while lift R heel up & turn in, return to center
&4lift R toe up & turn out while lift L heel up & turn in, return to center
&5swivel heels out, step R back & swivel heels in
&6swivel heels out, step L back & swivel heels in
&7swivel heels out, step R back & swivel heels in
&8swivel heels out, step L back & swivel heels in(weight on R)

Tap L 4x, Hip Bump 4x
1-4tap L beside R 4 times (traveling to L sid e & punch L hand up)
5-8step L to L bump hip to L 4 times (swing L hand up, swing L hand down, swing L hand up & up)

Shoulder Isolation, Step Together, Flick R-L Back, Coaster 1/4L
1-4shoulder isolation to R-L-R-Center and step L next to R
5&6flick R back, step R in place, flick L back
7&8¼ L step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd

TAG 1 (16 counts)
Dorothy Step, Step Swivel
12&step R diagonally fwd, lock L behind R, step R diagonally fwd
34&step L diagonally fwd, lock R behind L, step L diagonally fwd
5&6step R fwd, swivel heels out, swivel heels in
7&8step L fwd, swivel heels out, swivel heels in

Dorothy Step, Pivot 1/2 L
12&step R diagonally fwd, lock L behind R, step R diagonally fwd
34&step L diagonally fwd, lock R behind L, step L diagonally fwd
5-8step R fwd, pivot ½ L step on L, step R fwd, ½ L step on L

TAG 2 (4 counts)
1-4walk fwd R-L-R-L

1st RESTART dance up to 32 counts, RESTART Part A at 3.00 wall
2nd RESTART dance up to 44 counts (2 kick ball change), HOLD 2 counts, CONTINUE Part B

ENDING just do 4 dorathy step fwd and make a beautiful ending post

Enjoy your dance!

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