Start dancing on lyrics
Cross Twinkle Twice, Forward Twinkle Twice
1-3Cross right over left, rock left to side, recover to right,
4-6Cross left over right, rock right to side, recover to left,
Forward Twinkle Twice
1-3Step right forward, step left together, step right together,
4-6Step left forward, step right together, step left together,
Cross Side Behind, ¼ Turn Shuffle
1-3Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right behind left,
4-6Turn ¼ left and step left forward, step right together, step left forward,
Forward Side Touches Twice
1-3Step right forward, touch left to left twice
4-6Step left forward, touch right to right twice
Triple Forward Full Turn Right, Forward Twinkle
1-3Step right forward, turn ½ right and step left back, turn ½ right and step right forward,
4-6Step left forward, step right together, step left together,
Forward Twinkle, Back Twinkle
1-3Step right forward, step left together, step right together,
4-6Step left back, step right together, step left together,
Diagonal Step Together X4
1-3Step right diagonally back, step left together, step right together,
4-6Step left diagonally back, step right together, step left together,
1-3Step right diagonally back, step left together, step right together,
4-6Step left diagonally back, step right together, step left together,
TAG: AFTER the 2nd and 6th walls
Side Rock Twice, Forward Rock, Back Rock
1-3Rock right to side, recover to left, step right together,
4-6Rock left to side, recover to right, step left together,
1-3Rock right forward, recover to left, step right together,
4-6Rock left back, recover to right, step left together,
TAG: AFTER the 4th (6 counts) and 8th (12 counts) walls he will sing OHH just stand there and hold bring hands up at respective sides to shoulder level
Cross Twinkle Twice, Forward Twinkle Twice
1-3Cross right over left, rock left to side, recover to right,
4-6Cross left over right, rock right to side, recover to left,
Forward Twinkle Twice
1-3Step right forward, step left together, step right together,
4-6Step left forward, step right together, step left together,
Cross Side Behind, ¼ Turn Shuffle
1-3Cross right over left, step left to side, cross right behind left,
4-6Turn ¼ left and step left forward, step right together, step left forward,
Forward Side Touches Twice
1-3Step right forward, touch left to left twice
4-6Step left forward, touch right to right twice
Triple Forward Full Turn Right, Forward Twinkle
1-3Step right forward, turn ½ right and step left back, turn ½ right and step right forward,
4-6Step left forward, step right together, step left together,
Forward Twinkle, Back Twinkle
1-3Step right forward, step left together, step right together,
4-6Step left back, step right together, step left together,
Diagonal Step Together X4
1-3Step right diagonally back, step left together, step right together,
4-6Step left diagonally back, step right together, step left together,
1-3Step right diagonally back, step left together, step right together,
4-6Step left diagonally back, step right together, step left together,
TAG: AFTER the 2nd and 6th walls
Side Rock Twice, Forward Rock, Back Rock
1-3Rock right to side, recover to left, step right together,
4-6Rock left to side, recover to right, step left together,
1-3Rock right forward, recover to left, step right together,
4-6Rock left back, recover to right, step left together,
TAG: AFTER the 4th (6 counts) and 8th (12 counts) walls he will sing OHH just stand there and hold bring hands up at respective sides to shoulder level