Intro: 32
Section 1: Kick, Point, Coaster Step x2.
1 – 2Kick right forward. Point right to right side.
3 & 4Step back on right. Step left next to right. Step forward right.
5 – 6Kick left forward. Point left to left side.
7 & 8Step back on left. Step right next to left. Step forward left.
Section 2: Cross Point x2, Left Weave.
1 – 2Cross right over left. Point left toe to left.
3 – 4Cross left over right. Point right toe to right.
5 – 6Cross right over left. Step left to left.
7 – 8Step right behind left. Step left to left.
Section 3: Cross Rock, ¼ Turn Shuffle.
1 – 2Right cross rock over left. Recover on right.
3 & 4Step right to right. Step left next to right. Step ¼ turn right forward.
5 – 6Left cross rock over right. Recover on left.
7 – 8Step left to left. Step right next to left. Step ¼ turn left forward. (12)
Section 4: Syncopated Heel & Toe, Paddle ¼ Turn x2.
1 & 2Touch right heel forward. Step right next to left. Touch left toe in place.
3 & 4Touch left heel forward. Step left next to right. Touch right toe in place.
5 – 6Step forward on right. ¼ turn left.
7 – 8Step forward on right. ¼ turn left.
Easy Tags: After Walls 2, 6 and 10.
1-4Slow hip bumps right and left
Section 1: Kick, Point, Coaster Step x2.
1 – 2Kick right forward. Point right to right side.
3 & 4Step back on right. Step left next to right. Step forward right.
5 – 6Kick left forward. Point left to left side.
7 & 8Step back on left. Step right next to left. Step forward left.
Section 2: Cross Point x2, Left Weave.
1 – 2Cross right over left. Point left toe to left.
3 – 4Cross left over right. Point right toe to right.
5 – 6Cross right over left. Step left to left.
7 – 8Step right behind left. Step left to left.
Section 3: Cross Rock, ¼ Turn Shuffle.
1 – 2Right cross rock over left. Recover on right.
3 & 4Step right to right. Step left next to right. Step ¼ turn right forward.
5 – 6Left cross rock over right. Recover on left.
7 – 8Step left to left. Step right next to left. Step ¼ turn left forward. (12)
Section 4: Syncopated Heel & Toe, Paddle ¼ Turn x2.
1 & 2Touch right heel forward. Step right next to left. Touch left toe in place.
3 & 4Touch left heel forward. Step left next to right. Touch right toe in place.
5 – 6Step forward on right. ¼ turn left.
7 – 8Step forward on right. ¼ turn left.
Easy Tags: After Walls 2, 6 and 10.
1-4Slow hip bumps right and left