Sec 1: Cross-Side, Sailor-Turn ¼, Walk, Tripel-Step
1-2cross RF over L, step LF to L side
3&4cross RF behind L, step LF to L side and turn ¼ to R and step RF fwd
5-6step fwd L-R
7&8triple fwd L-R-L
Sec 2: Touch-Step X2 With ½ Turn, Walk, Full Turn, Walk
1-2touch RF fwd and swing hips fwd, step down, turn ½ turn to L
3-4touch LF fwd and swing hips fwd, step down
5step RF fwd,
6turn ½ to R and step LF back
7turn ½ to R and step RF fwd
8turn 1/4 to R and step LF to L side
Sec 3: Sailor-Step, Wave, Hold, Side-Cross
1&2cross RF behind L, step LF to L side, step RF to R side
3&4cross LF behind R, step RF to R side, cross LF over R
&6step RF to R side, cross LF over
&7&8Repet &6
Sec 4: Rock-Step, Cross Turn, Shuffle, Turn
1-2rock RF to R side, recover on LF
3-4cross RF behind L, turn 3/8 to L (face 7:30) and step LF fwd
5&6step RF fwd, step LF beside, step RF fwd
7-8step LF fwd, turn 3/8 to L (face 3:00) and touch RF beside L
TAG: AFTER 11th wall 4 counts
1-4Rock RF fwd on L diagonally, recover LF, rock RF back on R diagonally, recover LF
1-2cross RF over L, step LF to L side
3&4cross RF behind L, step LF to L side and turn ¼ to R and step RF fwd
5-6step fwd L-R
7&8triple fwd L-R-L
Sec 2: Touch-Step X2 With ½ Turn, Walk, Full Turn, Walk
1-2touch RF fwd and swing hips fwd, step down, turn ½ turn to L
3-4touch LF fwd and swing hips fwd, step down
5step RF fwd,
6turn ½ to R and step LF back
7turn ½ to R and step RF fwd
8turn 1/4 to R and step LF to L side
Sec 3: Sailor-Step, Wave, Hold, Side-Cross
1&2cross RF behind L, step LF to L side, step RF to R side
3&4cross LF behind R, step RF to R side, cross LF over R
&6step RF to R side, cross LF over
&7&8Repet &6
Sec 4: Rock-Step, Cross Turn, Shuffle, Turn
1-2rock RF to R side, recover on LF
3-4cross RF behind L, turn 3/8 to L (face 7:30) and step LF fwd
5&6step RF fwd, step LF beside, step RF fwd
7-8step LF fwd, turn 3/8 to L (face 3:00) and touch RF beside L
TAG: AFTER 11th wall 4 counts
1-4Rock RF fwd on L diagonally, recover LF, rock RF back on R diagonally, recover LF