CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Butterfly Daze

( 1 Stimmen)
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Intermediate / Advanced
Amy Spencer (USA) & Adam Berman (USA) - July 2010
Butterfly - Jason Mraz
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Spin Full Turn Right, Side, Cross, Hip Roll Right Left, Hand, Body Roll, Heels Up, 1/4, Drop Heels, Body Roll
1-2 Full spin as either a pirouette or hook turn weight on Left foot with Right foot in hook position turning to Right.
3& Step down on the ball of the Right foot cross the Left over the Right
4& Step Right to Right side with hip roll motion – Step Left to Left Side with hip roll motion
5-6 Place Right hand on chest pushing chest in causing a downward body roll
&7 Pick up both heels on the & count and turn body 1/4 turn to Left, drop heels on 7
8 Recover body from down position by rolling the body back upward

Push, Recover & Fwd, Heels 1/2 Turn Twist, Kick & Rock &Fwd, Touch, Back
1-2 Push weight fwd on ball of Right foot roll hip outward and recover weight on Left
&3 Step ball of Right foot down in place and switch Left foot to fwd position
&4 Pick up both heels and twist 1/2 turn to right and put heels down
5&6& Kick right foot fwd cross the Right, rock out over the Left foot then recover weight to Right
7&8 Step Left foot fwd touch Right in behind the Left then step back on the Right

Kick X2, 1/4, Behind, Side, Cross, Twistx2, Back, Together, Fwd, Deep 1/4
1&2 Left foot kicks out to side 2x in a swing motion from front to back making a 1/4 turn to Left then step down on the Left foot
3&4 Right foot sweeps behind, Left foot steps open, Right crosses over Left
&5&6 Twist heels out and knees in then recover, quick step back with Right then Left closes next to Right
7-8 Step fwd with Right into a deep pivot making a 1/4 turn to Left (weight should transfer to Left)

Lift Knee & Swing Foot, Side, Slide 1/4, Together, Roll Rib Cage Twice
1&2 Lift Right knee swing foot inward then outward
&34 Step Right to Right side touch Left next to Right, slide Left back making 1/4 turn Left, close Right next to Left
5-6 Roll rib cage counter clockwise as knees plié (deep bend)
7-8 Roll rib cage counter clockwise as knees plié (deep bend)

Rock & Cross Twice, Kick Fwd, Kick Back, 1/2, Step Down, Together
&12 Rock out to the Right on ball of Right, step Left in place, cross Right over left
&34 Rock out to the Left on ball of Left, step Right in place, cross Left over Right
5&6 Kick Right fwd, then push the Right behind, leaving Right off the floor flip body to make a half turn to the Right.
7-8 Exaggerate step down on Right to Right side, close Left next to Right.

Fan, Hand, Snap, Rock & Cross Twice
1&2 Toes on both feet fan out, heels fan out, toes fan again
3-4 Right hand makes a counter clockwise roll, then snap fingers
&56 Rock out to the Right on ball of Right, step Left in place, cross Right over left
&78 Rock out to the Left on ball of Left, step Right in place, cross Left over Right
RESTART here on wall 2

Heel Pumps 1/4 Twice, Tapx2 & Kick, Behind, 1/2, Jump Out, Jump In
1-2 Two heel pumps making a 1/4 turn with each pump to Right
3&4 Tap Right heel on floor 2x, release weight back onto Left foot and kick Right foot
5-6 Swing and lock Right behind Left, unwind 1/2 turn right
7-8 Jump out to sides on both feet (knees bend), jump in on both feet (straight legs, weight on Left)

Grab Knee, Together, Triple, Grab Knee, Cross, Ball Step, Unwind 1/2
1-2 Hinge Right knee by grabbing right Knee with Right hand and wiping brow with Left, step Right next to Left.
3&4 Triple step moving to Left Side: Left, Right, Left
5-6 Hinge Right knee by grabbing right Knee with Right hand and wiping brow with Left, cross Right behind Left.
&7-8 Step on ball of Left, step Right fwd, unwind 1/2 turn to left stepping down on Left slightly fwd so you are prepared to start dance over with the full hook turn.

RESTART on wall 2 after 48 counts (facing 6:00)

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