CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Why Oh Why

( 1 Stimmen)
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Peter Metelnick (UK) & Alison Metelnick (UK) - June 2010
Why Not Me? - Enrique Iglesias
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Start after 16 count intro

(1-9) R Weave 3, L Sailor Step, R Touch Behind, ½ R Unwind, L Fwd Lock Step
1-3 Step R side, cross step L over R, step R side
4&5 Cross step R behind L, step R side, step L side
6-7 R touch behind, ½ turn R with weight on R
8&1 L fwd, lock R behind L, step L fwd (6 o’clock)

(10-17) R Fwd Rock & Recover, R Back Lock Step, L Back Rock & Recover, L Side Rock-Recover-Cross Step
2-3 Rock R forward, recover weight on L
4&5 Step R back, lock left over R, step R back
6-7 Rock L back, recover weight on R
8&1 Rock L side, recover weight on R, cross step L over R

(18-24) Syncopated Box Step, L Side, R Tog, L Fwd Shuffle, ½ L & R Back
2&3 Step R side, step L together, step R back
4-5 Step L side, step R together
6&7 Step L fwd, step R together, step L forward (extended 5th)
8 Turning ½ left step R back (12 o’clock)

(25-32) L Back, R Coaster Cross, L Side Rock-Recover-Cross, R Side Rock-Recover
1 Step L back
2&3 Step R back, step L together, cross step R over L
4&5 Rock L side, recover weight on R, cross step L over R
6& Rock R side, recover weight on L
7-8 Rock R forward, recover weight on L
& to get to the next wall turn ¼ right and begin dance again (3 o’clock)

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