CopperKnob Stepsheets

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There You Go

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Steve Lustgraaf (USA) - June 2010
Makin' Me Fall In Love Again - Kellie Pickler
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Start dance on vocals, 8 counts after steady beat starts. It is not a fast dance, it is a Night Club Two rhythm.

Side, Draw, Cross, ¼ turn Right, Step, ½ Turn, ¼ Turn Side, Draw, Cross, Side.
1-2& Step L side left, Draw R towards L and step on it, cross L in front of R.
3-4 Step R ¼ turn right, Step L forward (3 o’clock)
5-6 Turn ½ turn right and step R, Turn ¼ turn right and step L side left . (12 o’clock)
7&8 Draw R in towards L and step on it, cross L over R, step side R.

Step Back, Back Together Cross, ¼ Turn Back, ½ turn X 2, Coaster Step.
9-10& Step L back, Step R back to slightly behind L, Step L next to R
11-12 Step R across L, Turn ¼ turn right stepping back on L (3 o’clock)
13-14 ½ turn right step forward R (9 o’clock), ½ turn right step back L (3 o’clock)
15&16 Step back R, Step L next to R, Step forward R

¼ Side, Step Lock Step x2, Coaster Step, ½ Turn x2,
17 Turn ¼ right and step L side left (6 o’clock),
18&19 Step R back diagonal right, Cross L over R, Step back R
20&21 Step L back diagonal left, Cross R over L, Step back L
22&23 Turning slightly left towards 4:30 Step back R, Together L, Step forward R
24& Turn ½ right Step back L, turn ½ right Step forward R

Side, Sway x2, Draw, Cross, Side, Sway x2, Draw, Cross
25 Step side L (As you do this, turn slightly right to face the 6 o’clock wall)
26-27 Sway hips to right, Sway hips to left
28&29 Draw in and Step R, Cross L over R, Step side R
30-31 Sway hips left, Sway hips right
32& Draw in and Step L, Cross R over L

Start Again

Dance two complete rotations. On the third rotation, dance the first 8 counts and start over from the beginning. It only happens this one time.

Steve Lustgraaf: email: - Phone: 402-516-4137
Address: 12527 Weir St, Omaha, NE 68137
Intime Dance Productions and you can also find me on Facebook.

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