CopperKnob Stepsheets

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It Comes Naturally

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Terri Alexander (USA) & Sandi Larkins (USA) - May 2010
Naturally - Selena Gomez & The Scene
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(1-8) Cross, ¼ R, ¼ R, Cross Rock, Step, Cross Rock
1 Step/Cross R over L
2 Step L to L turning ¼ turn R
3 Step R to R turning ¼ turn R
4 Cross Rock L over R
5 Recover weight to R
6 Step L to L
7 Cross Rock R over L
8 Recover weight to L

(9-16) ¼ R, 1/2 Pivot R, ½ Pivot R, Walk Back R, Walk Back L, R Coaster
1 Step R ¼ turn to R
2 Step L forward
3 Pivot ½ to R (Weight to R)
4 Step L back ½ turn R
5 Walk back R
6 Walk back L
7&8 Step back R (7) - Step L together with R (&) - Step forward R (8)

(17-24) Cross, Hold, Hop, Hold, Cross, Hold, Hop, Hold
1 Step/Cross L over R as you turn ¼ L (Weight to L)
2 Hold
& Slight Hop to R on R – Turning to L diagonal
3 Step L foot next to R – Weight to L
4 Hold
5 Step/Cross R over L (Weight to R)
6 Hold
& Slight Hop to L on L – Turning R to R diagonal
7 Bring R foot next to L – (Weight to R) ****
8 Hold
*** RESTART and MOD here.

(25-32) Cross, Sweep, R Lock, ½ Pivot, Step, Sweep
1 Step/Cross L over R
2 Sweep R over L to L diagonal
3&4 Step forward R (3) - Step L behind (lock) R (&) - Step forward R (4)
5 Step forward L
6 ½ turn pivot to R (R diagonal)
7 Step forward L
8 Sweep R over L, turning 1/8 turn to R, squaring up on new wall **

**TAG: 4-Count Tag After 5th Wall – 9 O' Clock
1 Step/Cross R over L
2 Step back on L
3 Step R to R side
4 Step L together with R

***RESTART and MOD: - 7th Wall (starts on 6 O’clock)
Dance the first 24 counts of the dance but leave your weight on the left foot're on the 12 o'clock wall at this point (but body is angled to 1:30)...RESTART is here - with a modification in the first 8 counts –
Cross step R over left, turn 1/8 to square up to the 3 o'clock wall (instead of the normal 1/4 turn), turn 1/4 to face the 6 o'clock wall.
1 Cross R over L
2 Step L back 1/8 turn to R, squaring up on 3 O'clock
3 Step R ¼ turn R on 6 O'clock
4-8 Remain the same
Now continue the dance as written

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