CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Kiss & Ice

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Jo Furnari - April 2010
American Saturday Night - Brad Paisley
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(1-8) Point right. Right next left,(twice) jump back, recover, stomp, clap
1-2 Right point to right, point right beside left
3-4 Repeat 1-2
5-6 Jump back right, recover left
7-8 Stomp right fw, clap

(9-16) Point left, left next right(twice) jump back, recover, stomp, clap
1-2 Left point to left, point left beside right
3-4 Repeat 1-2
5-6 Jump back left, recover right
7-8 Stomp left fw, clap

(17-24) Kick, kick, step back,kick,step,kick,step,touch
1-2 Kick right fw twice diagonal left
3-4 Step back right, kick left fw diagonal right
5-6 Step left fw, kick right fw diagonal left
7-8 Step back right, touch left beside right

(25-32) Shuffle fw, right grind heel ,1/4 turn right,rolling vine right
1&2 Shuffle fw left right left
3-4 Right heel fw, ¼ turn right (heel grind)
5-8 Rolling vine to the right (right, left,right,touch left)

(33-40) Chasse to left, monterey ½ turn
1-4 Step left to left, Right beside left, step left, touch right beside left
5-8 Point right to right, step right beside left ½ turning right, point left to left, touch left beside right

(41-48) Left fw, right behind, left fw, scuff right, toe stru ,toe strut
1-4 Step left fw, close right behind, left fw, scuff right fw
5-8 Back toe strut right, back toe strut left
Option counts 5-8 full turning toe strut

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