CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Danse Du Soleil

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Sonia Darquea (USA) & Ric Darquea (USA) - April 2010
Libertango - Bond
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Optional Intro and Finale.
Start with violins after drum solo.

Lt mambo fwd, hold, Rt mambo fwd, hold
1-4 Rock fwd on Lt (straight leg), recover Rt, step Lt together, hold
5-8 Rock fwd on Rt (straight leg), recover Lt, step Rt together, hold

Cross Lt, ¼ turn Rt, ½ pivot turn to right, step Lt fwd., hold
1-4 Cross Lt over Rt (drop arms ½ way to left side), hold, step Rt ¼ to right, hold
5-8 Step Lt fwd., pivot ½ turn to right, step Lt fwd., hold (9:00)

Cross Rt, step Lt ¼ turn back, step Rt back, step Lt back, touch Rt, hitch Rt knee
1-2 Cross Rt over Lt, step back Lt ¼ turn to right (jazz box-like)
3-6 Long step back Rt, slide Lt back, long step back Lt, slide Rt back
7,8 Touch Rt toes next to Lt, hitch Rt Knee and lift Lt heel up (slight bounce) (12:00)

Rock back Rt & turn ½, hold, rock back Lt & turn ½, hold
1-4 Rock back on Rt, recover Lt swiveling ½ turn to left, step back Rt, hold
5-8 Rock back on Lt, recover Rt swiveling ½ turn to right, step back Lt, hold

Rt Side rock and cross, hold, Lt side rock and cross, hold
1-4 side rock Rt diagonally back, recover Lt, cross Rt over Lt, hold
5-8 side rock Lt diagonally back, recover Rt, cross Lt over Rt, hold

Rt Jazz box, hold, full turn to left, side step Lt, slide Rt
1-4 Cross Rt over Lt, step back Lt, side step Rt, hold
5-8 Full turn to left side (Lt, Rt), long side step Lt, slide Rt close to Lt (*)

Cross Rt over Lt twice, hold, cross Lt over Rt twice, hold
1-4 Cross Rt over Lt, step Lt behind Rt, cross Rt over Lt, hold
5-8 Cross Lt over Rt, step Rt behind Lt, cross Lt over Rt, hold

Full turn to right, side step Rt, slide Lt close, ball cross Rt over Lt, slow ½ turn left
1-4 Full turn to right side (Rt,Lt), long side step Rt, slide Lt close to Rt (*)
&5-8 Step Lt next to Rt (&), cross Rt over Lt, slowly unwind ½ turn to Lt (6:00)

Start again

(*) may substitute turn steps with a grapevine.

TAG: 32 counts, after 5th wall (facing back wall)
Note: Starting 5th wall the music changes rhythm (complete 5th wall), continues thru the tag and returns to normal rhythm at start of 6Th and last wall.
1-4 Cross rock Lt over Rt, recover Rt, step Lt next to RT, hold
5-8 Cross rock Rt over Lt, recover Lt, step Rt next to LT, hold

9,10 Step Lt ¼ turn right, wrap Rt around Lt ankle as you spin ½ turn left on Lt
11,12 Step Rt fwd., wrap Lt around Rt ankle as you spin ¼ turn right (12:00)
13-16 Step Lt fwd., touch Rt behind Lt, step back Rt, touch Lt back (on left side of Rt)

17-20 Step Lt fwd., ronde Rt fwd., step RT across Lt, ronde Lt fwd.
21-24 Step Lt fwd., touch Rt behind Lt, long step back Rt ¼ turn to Rt, slide Lt across Rt

25-28 Step Lt (pass Rt), step Rt back ¼ turn to Lt, ronde Lt back, step Lt behind Rt
29-32 Full turn to right side (Rt,Lt), long side step Rt, slide Lt close to Rt.

Introduction steps (optional) at drum solo, before start dancing.
When the music briefly stops, bring Rt and Lt arms up in an L shape.
Right after the word “Shatahhh …” follow the drum beat:
1-4 Bump Lt hips softly to left, twice, hold weight on Lt
5-8 Bump Rt hips softly to right, twice, hold weight on Rt

9-12 Bump Lt hips softly to left, twice, hold weight on Lt
13-16 Bump Rt hips softly to right, hold weight on Rt

Finale (optional)
When last wall is done, the music goes into a fast ending, then
1-2 Step Lt fwd.and ronde Rt fwd., step Rt fwd. and ronde Lt fwd.
3,4 Rock Lt fwd., recover Rt
5,6 Ronde Lt back.and step Lt back, ronde Rt back and step Rt back
7,8 Step Lt fwd. (leaning fwd.), bring arms up in a “V” shape (music stop short).

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