Start: 16 counts into music
Alt. Music: Oh Donna by Los Lobos
Side, Rock, Recover, Side, Rock, Recover, ¼ R Walk, Walk, Walk, Triple Forward
1-2& Step R out to R, rock L behind R, recover on R
3-4& Step L out to L, rock R behind L, recover on L
5-7 Walk forward on R with ¼ turn R (3:00), walk forward L, walk forward R
8&1 Step forward L, step R next to L, step L forward
Half Pivot, Triple Forward, Rock, Recover, Triple ¼ L
2-3 Step R forward, turn ½ over L shoulder with weight on L (9:00)
4&5 Step forward R, step L next to R, step R forward
6-7 Rock forward on L, recover on R
8&1 Turn ¼ L stepping forward on L (6:00), step R next to L, step L forward
Sway, Sway, Sashay R, Rock, Recover, Sway, Sway
2-3 Step R slightly out to R and sway hips R, sway hips L (ending with weight on L)
4&5 Step R slightly out to R, step L next to R, step R slightly out to R
6-7 Cross step L over R, recover on R
8-1 Step L slightly out to L and sway hips L, sway hips R (ending with weight on R)
Sashay L, Rock, Recover, Side Rock, Recover, Quick Rock, Recover
2&3 Step L slightly out to L, step R next to L, step L slightly out to L
4-5 Cross step R over L, recover on L
6-7 Rock step R slightly out to R, recover on L
8& Rock R behind L, recover on L
Begin again……
Alt. Music: Oh Donna by Los Lobos
Side, Rock, Recover, Side, Rock, Recover, ¼ R Walk, Walk, Walk, Triple Forward
1-2& Step R out to R, rock L behind R, recover on R
3-4& Step L out to L, rock R behind L, recover on L
5-7 Walk forward on R with ¼ turn R (3:00), walk forward L, walk forward R
8&1 Step forward L, step R next to L, step L forward
Half Pivot, Triple Forward, Rock, Recover, Triple ¼ L
2-3 Step R forward, turn ½ over L shoulder with weight on L (9:00)
4&5 Step forward R, step L next to R, step R forward
6-7 Rock forward on L, recover on R
8&1 Turn ¼ L stepping forward on L (6:00), step R next to L, step L forward
Sway, Sway, Sashay R, Rock, Recover, Sway, Sway
2-3 Step R slightly out to R and sway hips R, sway hips L (ending with weight on L)
4&5 Step R slightly out to R, step L next to R, step R slightly out to R
6-7 Cross step L over R, recover on R
8-1 Step L slightly out to L and sway hips L, sway hips R (ending with weight on R)
Sashay L, Rock, Recover, Side Rock, Recover, Quick Rock, Recover
2&3 Step L slightly out to L, step R next to L, step L slightly out to L
4-5 Cross step R over L, recover on L
6-7 Rock step R slightly out to R, recover on L
8& Rock R behind L, recover on L
Begin again……