Phrased Intermediate
Phrasing:- A-A-A(16)-B-Tag-A-A-A(16)-B-A(16)-B-A(16)
Choreographers note:- As the music is so well known, the phrasing will come quite naturally to most dancers.
The music is soft and warm – treat the dance steps in the same relaxed way.
A lot of people have their own favourite Bee Gee’s song – this has always been mine.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the first word – ‘There’s a light…’
PART A (32 Counts)
2x Side-Tap. Back. Tap. Fwd. Tap (12:00)
1 – 2 raising knee slightly - Step right to right side. Tap left next to right.
3 – 4 raising knee slightly - Step left to left side. Tap right next to left.
5 – 6 raising knee slightly - Step backward onto right. Tap left in front of right.
7 – 8 raising knee slightly - Step forward onto left. Tap right behind left.
Back. Tap. Fwd. Side Touch. 2x Diagonal Back-Side Touch (12:00)
9 – 10 raising knee slightly - Step backward onto right. Tap left in front of right.
11 – 12 raising knee slightly - Step forward onto left. Touch right to right side.
13 – 14 Step right diagonally back left. Touch left to left side.
15 – 16 Step left diagonally back right. Touch right to right side.
Part B On ‘Walls’ 3 and 6 perform B after completing the first 16 counts above.
After ‘Wall’ 6 Part B continue with the first 16, Part B and then first 16 again to finish dance.
1/2 Monterey. Side Touch. 2x Diagonal Fwd-Side Touch. Diagonal Fwd. 1/2 Unwind (12:00)
17 – 18 Turn ½ right & step right next to left (6). Touch left to left side.
19 – 20 Cross left diagonally forward right. Touch right to right side.
21 – 22 Cross right diagonally forward left. Touch left to left side.
23 – 24 Cross left diagonally forward right. Unwind ½ right (weight on left) (12).
Behind. Together. Side. Diagonal. Fwd. Lock. Fwd. Cross (12:00)
25 – 26 with a slight sweep – Step right behind left. Step left next to right.
27 – 28 Step right to right side. Cross left diagonally forward right.
29 – 30 Step forward onto right. Lock left behind right.
31 – 32 Step forward onto right. Cross left over right.
PART B (16 Counts)
Weight. Slide Together. Side. Slide Together (12:00)
1 – 4 Place weight onto right. Dipping right leg - slide left next to right over 3 counts – straightening up as you slide.
5 – 8 Step left to left side. Dipping left leg - slide right next to left over 3 counts – straightening up as you slide.
Style note: (Optional) Counts 2-4 left hand, Counts 6-8 right hand - slide up same side thigh during ‘slide’.
4x 1/4 Side Rock-Recover/‘Paddles’ (12:00)
9 – 10 Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (9). Recover onto left.
11 – 12 Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (6). Recover onto left.
13 – 14 Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (3). Recover onto left.
15 – 16 Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (12). Recover onto left.
TAG 12 Count: Performed only once - after Part B on the 3rd ‘Wall’.
4x Cross Rock-Recover-Side
1 – 3 Cross rock right over left. Recover onto left. Step right to right side.
4 – 6 Cross rock left over right. Recover onto right. Step left to left side.
7 – 9 Cross rock right over left. Recover onto left. Step right to right side.
10 – 12 Cross rock left over right. Recover onto right. Step left to left side.
Choreographers note:- As the music is so well known, the phrasing will come quite naturally to most dancers.
The music is soft and warm – treat the dance steps in the same relaxed way.
A lot of people have their own favourite Bee Gee’s song – this has always been mine.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts on the first word – ‘There’s a light…’
PART A (32 Counts)
2x Side-Tap. Back. Tap. Fwd. Tap (12:00)
1 – 2 raising knee slightly - Step right to right side. Tap left next to right.
3 – 4 raising knee slightly - Step left to left side. Tap right next to left.
5 – 6 raising knee slightly - Step backward onto right. Tap left in front of right.
7 – 8 raising knee slightly - Step forward onto left. Tap right behind left.
Back. Tap. Fwd. Side Touch. 2x Diagonal Back-Side Touch (12:00)
9 – 10 raising knee slightly - Step backward onto right. Tap left in front of right.
11 – 12 raising knee slightly - Step forward onto left. Touch right to right side.
13 – 14 Step right diagonally back left. Touch left to left side.
15 – 16 Step left diagonally back right. Touch right to right side.
Part B On ‘Walls’ 3 and 6 perform B after completing the first 16 counts above.
After ‘Wall’ 6 Part B continue with the first 16, Part B and then first 16 again to finish dance.
1/2 Monterey. Side Touch. 2x Diagonal Fwd-Side Touch. Diagonal Fwd. 1/2 Unwind (12:00)
17 – 18 Turn ½ right & step right next to left (6). Touch left to left side.
19 – 20 Cross left diagonally forward right. Touch right to right side.
21 – 22 Cross right diagonally forward left. Touch left to left side.
23 – 24 Cross left diagonally forward right. Unwind ½ right (weight on left) (12).
Behind. Together. Side. Diagonal. Fwd. Lock. Fwd. Cross (12:00)
25 – 26 with a slight sweep – Step right behind left. Step left next to right.
27 – 28 Step right to right side. Cross left diagonally forward right.
29 – 30 Step forward onto right. Lock left behind right.
31 – 32 Step forward onto right. Cross left over right.
PART B (16 Counts)
Weight. Slide Together. Side. Slide Together (12:00)
1 – 4 Place weight onto right. Dipping right leg - slide left next to right over 3 counts – straightening up as you slide.
5 – 8 Step left to left side. Dipping left leg - slide right next to left over 3 counts – straightening up as you slide.
Style note: (Optional) Counts 2-4 left hand, Counts 6-8 right hand - slide up same side thigh during ‘slide’.
4x 1/4 Side Rock-Recover/‘Paddles’ (12:00)
9 – 10 Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (9). Recover onto left.
11 – 12 Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (6). Recover onto left.
13 – 14 Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (3). Recover onto left.
15 – 16 Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (12). Recover onto left.
TAG 12 Count: Performed only once - after Part B on the 3rd ‘Wall’.
4x Cross Rock-Recover-Side
1 – 3 Cross rock right over left. Recover onto left. Step right to right side.
4 – 6 Cross rock left over right. Recover onto right. Step left to left side.
7 – 9 Cross rock right over left. Recover onto left. Step right to right side.
10 – 12 Cross rock left over right. Recover onto right. Step left to left side.