Intro 32 counts after main beat kicks in (start on vocals).
Heel digs x2,fwd step, back tap,shuffle back, back rock.
1&2& dig right heel fwd, step right beside left, dig left heel fwd, step left beside right,
3-4 step fwd on right, tap left behind right,
5&6 shuffle back, stepping left, right, left,
7-8 rock back on right, recover on left,
Kick ball change and pidgion toes x 2.
1&2 kick right fwd, step right beside left, step left in place,
3-4 push both heels out to sides, bring both heels in,
5-8 repeat step 1&2 and 3-4,
Rock to right side, recover on left with 1/4 turn left, fwd shuffle, step fwd on left, heel taps x 3.
1-2 rock right to right side, recover on left with 1/4 turn left,
3&4 shuffle fwd, stepping right, left, right
5-8 step fwd on left then tap left heel 3 times, ( for extra styling, lean body over left leg when tapping),
1/4paddle turns left x 2,right sailor step, left sailor step.
1-2 step fwd on right, pivot 1/4 turn left on both feet
3-4 repeat steps 1-2.
5&6 cross right behind left, step left beside right, step right in place,
7&8 cross left behind right, step right beside left, step left in place,
Heel digs x2,fwd step, back tap,shuffle back, back rock.
1&2& dig right heel fwd, step right beside left, dig left heel fwd, step left beside right,
3-4 step fwd on right, tap left behind right,
5&6 shuffle back, stepping left, right, left,
7-8 rock back on right, recover on left,
Kick ball change and pidgion toes x 2.
1&2 kick right fwd, step right beside left, step left in place,
3-4 push both heels out to sides, bring both heels in,
5-8 repeat step 1&2 and 3-4,
Rock to right side, recover on left with 1/4 turn left, fwd shuffle, step fwd on left, heel taps x 3.
1-2 rock right to right side, recover on left with 1/4 turn left,
3&4 shuffle fwd, stepping right, left, right
5-8 step fwd on left then tap left heel 3 times, ( for extra styling, lean body over left leg when tapping),
1/4paddle turns left x 2,right sailor step, left sailor step.
1-2 step fwd on right, pivot 1/4 turn left on both feet
3-4 repeat steps 1-2.
5&6 cross right behind left, step left beside right, step right in place,
7&8 cross left behind right, step right beside left, step left in place,