Start on 26 sec
Right Cross Rock, Cha-Cha-Cha,Left Cross Rock, Cha-Cha-Cha
1-2 Cross/rock right over left, recover to left
3&4 Triple in place right, left, right
5-6 Cross/rock left over right, recover to right
7&8 Triple in place left, right, left
Grapevine Right .Toe Points
1-2 Step right to side, cross left behind right
3-4 Step right to side, touch left together
5-6 Point left to side, step left together
7-8 Point right to side, step right together
Grapevine Turn ¼ Left, Toe Points
1-2 Step left to side, cross right behind left
3-4 Turn ¼ left and step left forward, touch right together
5-6 Point right to side, step right together
7-8 Point left to side, step left to side
Walk Forward Kick Walk Back Touch
1-4 Step right forward, step left forward, step right forward, kick left forward
5-8 Step left back, step right back, step left back, touch right together
Forward, Forward, Back, Back, With Macarena Arms Hip Bumps
1 Step right forward (right hand on left shoulder)
2 Step left forward (left hand on right shoulder)
3 Step right back (right hand on left hip)
4 Step left back (left hand on right hip)
5-8 Bump hips left, right, left, right
TAG: REPEAT the LAST 8 counts at the END of wall 2
Right Cross Rock, Cha-Cha-Cha,Left Cross Rock, Cha-Cha-Cha
1-2 Cross/rock right over left, recover to left
3&4 Triple in place right, left, right
5-6 Cross/rock left over right, recover to right
7&8 Triple in place left, right, left
Grapevine Right .Toe Points
1-2 Step right to side, cross left behind right
3-4 Step right to side, touch left together
5-6 Point left to side, step left together
7-8 Point right to side, step right together
Grapevine Turn ¼ Left, Toe Points
1-2 Step left to side, cross right behind left
3-4 Turn ¼ left and step left forward, touch right together
5-6 Point right to side, step right together
7-8 Point left to side, step left to side
Walk Forward Kick Walk Back Touch
1-4 Step right forward, step left forward, step right forward, kick left forward
5-8 Step left back, step right back, step left back, touch right together
Forward, Forward, Back, Back, With Macarena Arms Hip Bumps
1 Step right forward (right hand on left shoulder)
2 Step left forward (left hand on right shoulder)
3 Step right back (right hand on left hip)
4 Step left back (left hand on right hip)
5-8 Bump hips left, right, left, right
TAG: REPEAT the LAST 8 counts at the END of wall 2