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Startin' Somethin'

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced
Steven Kilgannon - November 2009
Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' - Michael Jackson
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The dance is a two part sequence A and B dance.
A is 32 counts and B is 16 counts.

Sequence: AB, A, AB, A, AB, A, B, A, AB, A, AB, A, AB, A, AB, A, AB, A

PART A – 32 counts
(1 – 8) Street Wise Running Man Steps.
1 Jump feet shoulder width apart at diagonals (right foot forward, left foot back)
& Jump feet together hitching left knee
2 Jump feet shoulder width apart at diagonals (left foot forward, right foot back)
& Jump feet together hitching right knee
3 Jump feet apart
& Jump feet together (both feet on the floor)
4 Jump feet apart
& Jump feet together hitching left knee
5 Jump feet shoulder width apart at diagonals (left foot forward, right foot back)
& Jump feet together hitching right knee
6 Jump feet shoulder width apart at diagonals (right foot forward, left foot back)
7 Jump feet apart
& Jump feet together
8 Jump feet apart
& Jump feet together (weight on left foot)

(9 – 16) Walk forward (R, L), Kick ball heel & Toe & Heel & Step ½ Turn.
1 – 2 Walk forward right left,
3 Kick right foot forward,
& 4 Step in place with right foot and put left heel in front,
& 5 Step left foot in place and bring right toe behind left foot,
& 6 Step in place with right foot and put left heel in front,
& 7 Step left foot in place beside right and step right foot forward,
8 Turn a ½ turn over left shoulder,

(17–24) Forward R behind, forward L behind, Kick & Kick, step Knee Pop.
1 – 2 Step right foot forward, and bring left behind right,
& 3, 4 Place right and put left foot forward and bring right foot behind left foot,
& 5 Place left foot and kick right foot forward,
& 6 Place right foot and kick left foot forward,
& 7 Bringing left foot back place both feet together,
& 8 Pop both knees out diagonally for &, bring them in for the count 8,

(25–32) Point R and point L and touch R and touch L, step ½ turn, point out, in, out, in.
1&2 Point right toe to right side and recover and point left toe to left side,
& 3 Recover left and touch right toe in-front,
& 4 Recover right and touch left toe in-front,
& 5 Place left foot and step forward on right foot,
6 Turn ½ turn over left shoulder,
7 & Point right foot to side and recover,
8 & Point right foot to side and recover,

PART B – 16 counts
(1 – 8) Diagonal rock forward, coaster step, diagonal rock forward, coaster step,
1 – 2 Rock right foot diagonally forward and bring weight back onto left foot,
3&4 Bring right foot behind, place left beside right and put right foot forward,
5 – 6 Rock left foot diagonally forward and bring weight back onto right foot,
7&8 Bring left foot behind, place right foot beside left and put left foot forward,

(9 – 16) Shuffle forward R, L, R, step ½ turn shuffle L, R, L, full turn over left shoulder,
1&2 Put right foot forward and bring left foot behind, and put right foot forward,
3 – 4 Step left foot forward and turn ½ turn over right shoulder,
5&6 Put left foot forward and bring right behind and put left foot forward,
7 – 8 Turn full turn over left shoulder,


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