Count in: On lyrics. 16 counts after beat comes in
Ball, Walk, Walk, Rock and Cross, Rock Swivel Step and Quarter, Half
&1-2 Rock back on L, Recover weight forward onto R, Walk forward L
3&4 Rock R out to R Side, Recover onto L, Cross R foot over L
5&6 Rock L out to L side, Swivel R heel in towards L, Swivel heel back in place taking weight on R
&7-8 Step L next to R, turn ¼ R stepping forward on R, turn ½ R stepping L to L side
Sailor Step and Slide, Touch, Step, Turn and Chug, Chug
1&2 Cross R behind L, Step L to L side, Step R forward to R diagonal
&3-4 Step L next to R, Step R big step forward to R diagonal, Slide L up and touch next to R
5-6& Step forward on L, Step forward on R, Pivot ½ turn L taking weight forward onto L
7-8 Step forward on R (touching L next to R), Step forward on L (touching R next to L)
(You can substitute this for two runs/funky walks/jumps – whatever you like – but make it BOUNCY!)
And Rock and Slide, Behind, Turn, Step, Touch, Bump, Bump
&1&2 Rock R out to R side, Recover weight back onto L, Cross R over L, Step L big step to L side, dragging R heel towards L
3-4 Cross R behind L, Turn ¼ L stepping forward on L
5-6 Step forward on R, Touch L foot behind R (with attitude!)
7-8 Make ¼ L stepping L to L and pushing hips forward to L, Step R to R pushing hips forward to R
Quarter, Half, Back Lock Back, and Kick and Step, Turn, Turn
1-2 Turn ¼ L stepping forward on L, Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side
3&4 Step back on L, Lock R over L, Step back on L
&5&6 Step back on R, Kick L forward, Step forward on L, Step forward on R
7-8 Pivot ½ turn L taking weight forward onto L, Make ½ L stepping back onto R
Start Again
Please Note: There are a few different versions of this song. The one I choreographed it to is 3mins 57 seconds long. 3 minutes into the song, the tempo changes. I would suggest you fade the music at this point. You can dance through it, but the dance goes off phrase and it’s FAST!!!
Ball, Walk, Walk, Rock and Cross, Rock Swivel Step and Quarter, Half
&1-2 Rock back on L, Recover weight forward onto R, Walk forward L
3&4 Rock R out to R Side, Recover onto L, Cross R foot over L
5&6 Rock L out to L side, Swivel R heel in towards L, Swivel heel back in place taking weight on R
&7-8 Step L next to R, turn ¼ R stepping forward on R, turn ½ R stepping L to L side
Sailor Step and Slide, Touch, Step, Turn and Chug, Chug
1&2 Cross R behind L, Step L to L side, Step R forward to R diagonal
&3-4 Step L next to R, Step R big step forward to R diagonal, Slide L up and touch next to R
5-6& Step forward on L, Step forward on R, Pivot ½ turn L taking weight forward onto L
7-8 Step forward on R (touching L next to R), Step forward on L (touching R next to L)
(You can substitute this for two runs/funky walks/jumps – whatever you like – but make it BOUNCY!)
And Rock and Slide, Behind, Turn, Step, Touch, Bump, Bump
&1&2 Rock R out to R side, Recover weight back onto L, Cross R over L, Step L big step to L side, dragging R heel towards L
3-4 Cross R behind L, Turn ¼ L stepping forward on L
5-6 Step forward on R, Touch L foot behind R (with attitude!)
7-8 Make ¼ L stepping L to L and pushing hips forward to L, Step R to R pushing hips forward to R
Quarter, Half, Back Lock Back, and Kick and Step, Turn, Turn
1-2 Turn ¼ L stepping forward on L, Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side
3&4 Step back on L, Lock R over L, Step back on L
&5&6 Step back on R, Kick L forward, Step forward on L, Step forward on R
7-8 Pivot ½ turn L taking weight forward onto L, Make ½ L stepping back onto R
Start Again
Please Note: There are a few different versions of this song. The one I choreographed it to is 3mins 57 seconds long. 3 minutes into the song, the tempo changes. I would suggest you fade the music at this point. You can dance through it, but the dance goes off phrase and it’s FAST!!!