CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Keith Stewart (N.IRE) - June 2009
The Show - Lenka : (Single)
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40 count introduction

Section 1: Right side step, hold, left sailor step, repeat.
1-2 Step right foot to right side, hold for one count
3&4 Step left foot behind right, step right foot in place, step left foot to left side
5-8 Repeat counts 1-4

Section 2: Right side step, hold, left sailor step, right sailor step, left sailor step.
9-10 Step right foot to right side, hold for one count
11&12 Step left foot behind right, step right foot in place, step left foot to left side
13&14 Step right foot behind left, step left foot in place, step right foot to right side
15&16 Repeat counts 11&12
(First restart comes in here on wall 3, start dance from the beginning)

Section 3: Right rock forward, right shuffle ½ turn right, left shuffle forward, right step pivot ½ turn left.
17-18 Rock right foot forward, return weight back onto left foot
19&20 Making a ½ turn right, step forward on right foot, bring left foot up beside right, step right foot forward
21&22 Step left foot forward, bring right foot up beside left, step left foot forward
23-24 Step right foot forward, make a pivot ½ turn on the spot over left shoulder, taking weight onto left foot

Section 4: Right side rock & cross shuffle, left side rock & cross shuffle.
25-26 Rock right foot out to right side, return weight onto left foot
27&28 Cross step right foot over left, step left foot small step to left side, cross step right foot over left
29-30 Rock left foot out to left side, return weight onto right foot
31&32 Cross step left foot over right, step right foot small step to right side, cross step left foot over right

Section 5: Right point cross, left point cross, ¼ turn shuffle left, ½ turn shuffle left.
33-34 Point right foot out to right side, cross step right foot over left, taking weight onto right foot
35-36 Point left foot out to left side, cross step left foot over right, taking weight onto left foot
37&38 Making a ¼ turn left, step BACK onto right foot, bring left foot back beside right, step right foot back
39&40 Making a ½ turn left, step forward onto left foot, bring right foot up beside left, step left foot forward

Section 6: Right rocking chair, 2x step pivot ½ turn counts left.
41-42 Rock forward onto right foot, return weight back onto left foot
43-44 Rock right foot back, return weight forward onto left foot
45-46 Step forward on right foot, make a ½ turn left on the spot over left shoulder, taking weight onto left foot
47-48 Repeat counts 45-46
(2nd restart comes in here on the fifth wall, replacing count 48 with a step ¼ turn left, then restarting from the beginning)

Section 7: Cross weave to left for 4 counts, ¼ turn jazz box with cross step to finish.
49-52 Cross step right foot over left, step left foot to left side, step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side
53-56 Cross step right foot over left, making a ¼ turn right, step left foot back, step right foot to right side, cross step left foot over right

First restart comes in on the third wall, dance first 16 counts, then restart from the beginning.
Second restart comes in on the fifth wall, dance through to count 48, replacing the second ½ turn (count 48) with a step ¼ turn left.


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