Novice (Beginner)
Eurovision Song Contest 2009 2nd placed finalist from Iceland
The version from the Icelandic competition published on the album “Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins 2009”
Start after a 16 count intro (the version with 8 count intro is cut before the ending take place)
Section 1: Rock Forward, Recover, Left Chassé, Rock Back, Recover, Step, Lock, Step
1, 2 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
3&4 Step left to left side, close right next to left, left to left side
5, 6 Rock back on right, recover onto left
7&8 Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
Section 2: Step Turn ¼, Cross Shuffle, Rock Right, Recover, Coaster Step
1, 2 Step left forward, turn ¼ right with weight on right foot (9 o’clock)
3&4 Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5, 6 Rock right on right, recover on left
7&8 Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
Section 3: Points, Sailor Step, Point, Cross Back, Behind, Side, Cross
1, 2 Point left cross over right, point left to left side
3&4 Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to side
5, 6 Point right cross over left, lift right knee, sweep right foot neat to left knee, step right behind left
7&8 Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right,
Section 4: Rock Right, Recover, ¼ Turn Sailor Step, Full Turn Right, ½ Triple Turn Right
1, 2 Rock right to right side, recover on left
3&4 Cross right behind left turning ¼ to right, step left to left side, step right to side (6 o’clock)
5, 6 Turn right ½ stepping left back, turn right ½ stepping right forward
7&8 Turn right ½ stepping left, right, left (12 o’clock)
Section 5: Rock Right, Recover, ¼ Turn Sailor Step, Step Turn ½, Shuffle Forward
1, 2 Rock right to right side, recover on left
3&4 Cross right behind left turning ¼ to right, step left to left side, step right to side (3 o’clock)
Restart here on wall 2 and 4.
5, 6 Step left forward, turn ½ right with weight on right foot (9 o’clock)
7&8 Step left forward, close right behind left, left forward
Section 6: Point, Cross Back, Behind, Side, Cross, Step Turn ½, Shuffle Forward
1, 2 Point right cross over left, step right behind left
3&4 Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right,
5, 6 Step right forward, turn ½ left with weight on left foot (3 o’clock)
7&8 Step right forward, close left behind right, right forward
Restart On wall 2 and 4 after 36 count, 4 counts into section 5.
Ending Do a ¾ turn in the last sailor step, count 3&4 in section 5.
The version from the Icelandic competition published on the album “Söngvakeppni Sjónvarpsins 2009”
Start after a 16 count intro (the version with 8 count intro is cut before the ending take place)
Section 1: Rock Forward, Recover, Left Chassé, Rock Back, Recover, Step, Lock, Step
1, 2 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
3&4 Step left to left side, close right next to left, left to left side
5, 6 Rock back on right, recover onto left
7&8 Step right forward, lock left behind right, step right forward
Section 2: Step Turn ¼, Cross Shuffle, Rock Right, Recover, Coaster Step
1, 2 Step left forward, turn ¼ right with weight on right foot (9 o’clock)
3&4 Cross left over right, step right to right side, cross left over right
5, 6 Rock right on right, recover on left
7&8 Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right
Section 3: Points, Sailor Step, Point, Cross Back, Behind, Side, Cross
1, 2 Point left cross over right, point left to left side
3&4 Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to side
5, 6 Point right cross over left, lift right knee, sweep right foot neat to left knee, step right behind left
7&8 Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right,
Section 4: Rock Right, Recover, ¼ Turn Sailor Step, Full Turn Right, ½ Triple Turn Right
1, 2 Rock right to right side, recover on left
3&4 Cross right behind left turning ¼ to right, step left to left side, step right to side (6 o’clock)
5, 6 Turn right ½ stepping left back, turn right ½ stepping right forward
7&8 Turn right ½ stepping left, right, left (12 o’clock)
Section 5: Rock Right, Recover, ¼ Turn Sailor Step, Step Turn ½, Shuffle Forward
1, 2 Rock right to right side, recover on left
3&4 Cross right behind left turning ¼ to right, step left to left side, step right to side (3 o’clock)
Restart here on wall 2 and 4.
5, 6 Step left forward, turn ½ right with weight on right foot (9 o’clock)
7&8 Step left forward, close right behind left, left forward
Section 6: Point, Cross Back, Behind, Side, Cross, Step Turn ½, Shuffle Forward
1, 2 Point right cross over left, step right behind left
3&4 Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right,
5, 6 Step right forward, turn ½ left with weight on left foot (3 o’clock)
7&8 Step right forward, close left behind right, right forward
Restart On wall 2 and 4 after 36 count, 4 counts into section 5.
Ending Do a ¾ turn in the last sailor step, count 3&4 in section 5.