CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Little Fool

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Kate Sala (UK) - May 2009
I'm A Fool - Kelly King
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Intro: 48 count intro, counting from the first heavy beat (fast count)

Grapevine Right, Touch Left Toe In, Out, In, Heel Dig, Touch Across
1-4 Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side, touch left together
5-6 Touch left to side, touch left together
7-8 Touch left heel diagonally forward, cross/touch left behind right

Grapevine Left, Touch Right Toe In, Monterey Turn ¼ Right
1-4 Step left to side, cross right behind left, step left to side, touch right together
5-6 Touch right to side, turn ¼ right and step right together (3:00)
7-8 Touch left to side, step left together

Step, Hop, Step, Hop, Mambo Forward, Hold
1-2 Step right forward, hop right forward and hitch left knee (or hitch left knee without hop)
3-4 Step left forward, hop left forward and hitch right knee (or hitch right knee without hop)
5-8 Rock right forward, recover to left, step right back, hold

Left Toe Strut Back, Right Toe Strut Forward, Left Back Lock Step, Hold
1-4 Step left toe back, drop left heel, step right toe forward, drop right heel
5-8 Step left back, lock right over left, step left back, hold

Triple Full Turn Right, Hold, Left Forward Lock Step, Hold
1-4 Triple in place turning a full turn right stepping right, left, right, hold

Alternative for 1-3: slow coaster step
5-8 Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, hold

Diagonal Forward, Touch & Clap, Diagonal Back, Touch & Clap, Diagonal Back, Touch & Clap, Side Step Left, Touch & Clap
1-2 Step right diagonally forward, touch left together (clap)
3-4 Step left diagonally back, touch right together (clap)
5-6 Step right diagonally forward, touch left together (clap)
7-8 Step left to side, touch right together (clap)


TAG: At the END of wall 5 facing 3:00
1 Cross right over left
2-8 Unwind ¾ left over 7 counts

Start again from the beginning of the dance facing 6:00 Or take it around with a few heel bounces. hold for count 2. Bounce on count 3. hold. bounce on count 5. hold. bounce on count 7. hold

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