CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My Lonely Nights

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Alan Haywood (UK), Jo Kinser (UK) & John Kinser (UK) - April 2009
Prayin' for Daylight - Rascal Flatts
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Intro: 16 slow counts, start on vocals

Sec 1: R Side, Touch L, L Side, Touch R, Walk Forward R L, R Forward, ½ L
1–2 Step right to right side, touch left next to right
3-4 Step left to left side, touch right next to left
5-6 Walk forward right, walk forward left
7&8 Step forward onto right, pivot ½ turn left (6 o/c)
RESTART here at END of wall 2

Sec 2: R Brush Hook Step, L Brush Hook Step, R Forward Rocking Chair
1&2 Brush right forward, hook right in front of left, step forward onto right
3&4 Brush left forward, hook left in front of right, step forward onto left
5-6 Rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left
7-8 Rock back onto right, recover weight forward onto left

Sec 3: Cross R Over L, Point L, Cross L Over R, Point R, R Over Jazz Box Cross
1-2 Cross step right over left, point left to left side
3-4 Cross step left over right, point right to right side
5-6 Cross step right over left, step left back
7-8 Step right to right side, cross step left over right

Sec 4: ¼ L (R Back), Touch L Forward, L Forward, Touch R, R Back, Hook L, L Forward Shuffle
1-2 Make a ¼ turn left stepping right back, touch left heel forward
3-4 Step forward onto left, touch right toe behind left
5-6 Step back onto right, sliding left towards right hook left in front
7&8 Step forward onto left, close right next to left, step forward onto left

Repeat And Enjoy!

To keep the music in phase, we have had to put in one restart and one 4-count tag.

RESTART: At the END of wall 2, dance the FIRST 8 counts only, then restart the dance facing 12 o’clock.

TAG: At the END of wall 6, a 4-count tag is required. Just do the FIRST 4 counts of the dance to make the tag (R side, touch L, L side, touch R). At this point, you will be facing 9 o’clock

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