CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Intermediate NC2
Jannie Tofte Stoian (DK) - February 2009
Lost - Michael Bublé : (Album: Call Me Irresponsible)
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Intro: 16 count intro (app. 15 sec. into track)-(66 bpm)
*2 restarts 1st restart on 4th wall after 16 counts facing 6:00, 2nd restart on 6th wall after 12& counts
Note: This dance is dedicated to a close friend of mine

(1-8) ¼ turn R sweep, jazz ½ turn L, full pivot turn L, basic R, basic L
1 Turn ¼ R stepping fw on R and sweeping L foot around and in front of R (03:00)
2&3 Cross L over R, step back on R, turn ½ L stepping fw on L (09:00)
4&5 Turn ½ L stepping back on R, turn ½ stepping fw on L, step R a big step to R side (09:00)
6&7 Close L behind R, cross R over L, step L a big step to L side (09:00)
8& Close R behind L, cross L over R (09:00)

(9-16) Step R diagonally fw, step ½ turn R, ½ turn R sweep, sailor 3/8 turn R, lunge, basic L
1 Step R diagonally fw (10:30)
2&3 Step L fw, turn ½ R stepping fw onto R, turn ½ R stepping back on L and sweeping R around and behind L (10:30)
4&5 Step R behind L turning 1/8 R, step L next to R turning 1/4 R,(*) step R a big step to R side (03:00)
6&7 Lean and lunge out to R side bending R knee and keeping L leg straight
(body facing 4.30), recover onto your L making a big step to L side (03:00)
8& Close R behind L, cross L over R (03:00) (*)

(17-24) ¼ turn R, mambo 1/8 L, cross turn turn 3/8 R, cross full unwind, ¼ turn R, run run
1 Turn ¼ R stepping fw on R (06:00)
2&3 Rock fw on L, recover back on R, turn 1/8 L stepping L to the side (04:30)
4&5 Cross R over L (facing 4:30), turn 1/8 R stepping back on L (facing 6:00), turn ¼ R stepping R to R side (09:00)
6&7 Cross L over R, unwind full turn R (weight L), turn ¼ turn R stepping R fw (12:00)
8& Run fw L, run fw R (12:00)

(25-32) Rock fw L, recover R, walk back L, ½ turn R, brush hook step L, back lunge fw , reach, walk R, ¼ turn R
1 Rock L fw (12:00)
2&3 Recover back onto R, walk back L, turn ½ R stepping R fw (06:00)
4&5 Brush L fw, hook L across R whilst rising up onto ball of R, drop R heel down and step fw on ball of L (06:00)
6&7 Staying on L lunge fw (6), extend upper body and reach R arm fw (6-7) (06:00)
8& Recover back onto R, turn 1/4 R stepping back on L (getting ready to start over turning another ¼ R - when dancing the dance this feels like a ½ turn, rather than 2 ¼ turns) (09:00)

*1st restart- during 4th wall (03:00)
Dance the first 16 counts (06:00)
and start the dance again turning ¼ R stepping fw on R (09:00)

*2nd restart during 6th wall (03:00)
Dance the first 12& counts (06:00)
and start the dance again turning ¼ R stepping fw on R (09:00)

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