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Taking Back My Love

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Alan Haywood (UK) - February 2009
Takin' Back My Love (feat. Ciara) - Enrique Iglesias : (Album: Greatest Hits)
Dancin' Cowboys - The Bellamy Brothers : (Album: Linedance Fever 18)
Men Buy The Drinks - Steve Holy : (Album: Linedance Fever 18)
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32 count intro from 1st heavy beat

Section 1: Stomp L side, hold, R sailor, rock back L, recover, L forward lock step
1-2Stomp left to left side, hold for one count
3&4Step right behind left, left to left side, step right to right side
5-6Rock back onto left, recover forward onto right
7&8Step forward left, lock right behind left, step forward left

Section 2: R forward, ½ L, full turn L, rock forward R, recover L, R behind & across
1-2Step forward onto right, pivot ½ turn left 6 o’clock
3-4Make ½ turn left stepping right back, make ½ turn left stepping left forward
Easy option – walk forward right left
5-6Rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left
7&8Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross step right over left

Section 3: Stomp L side, hold, R sailor, rock back L, recover, ¼ L shuffle
1-2Stomp left to left side, hold for one count
3&4Step right behind left, left to left side, step right to right side
5-6Rock back onto left diagonally behind right, recover forward onto right
7&8Step left ¼ left, close right next to left, step left forward 3 o’clock

Section 4: R forward, ½ L, full turn L, rock forward R, recover L, R coaster touch forward
1-2Step forward onto right, pivot ½ turn left 9 o’clock
3-4Make ½ turn left stepping right back, make ½ turn left stepping left forward
Easy option – walk forward right left
5-6Rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left
7&8Step back onto right, step left next to right, touch right toe forward

Section 5: & cross L over, hold, & L heel, hold, & cross R over, ¼ R, R coaster
&1-2Step right next to left, cross step left over right, hold for one count
&3-4Step right to right side, tap left heel diagonally left, hold for one count
&5-6Step left next to right, cross step right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping left back 12 o’clock
7&8Step back onto right, step left next to right, step right forward

Section 6: L forward, lock R, L forward lock step, jazz box ¼ R with a hold
1-2Step forward onto left, lock right behind left
3&4Step forward onto left, lock right behind left, step forward onto left
5-6Cross step right over left, step left back
7-8Step right ¼ right, hold for one count 3 o’clock

Section 7: Cross rock L over R, recover R, L side shuffle, cross rock R over, recover L, R side shuffle
1-2Cross rock left over right, recover weight back onto right
3&4Step left to left side, close right next to left, step left to left side
5-6Cross rock right over left, recover weight back onto left
7&8Step right to right side, close left next to right, step right to right side
If adventurous – 3&4 and 7&8 can be triple full turns

Section 8: L forward, ½ R, triple full turn R, rock forward R, recover, R coaster cross
1-2Step forward onto left, pivot ½ turn right 9 o’clock
3&4Triple full turn right, travel slightly forward stepping left right left
Easy option: left forward shuffle
5-6Rock forward onto right, recover weight back onto left
7&8Step back onto right, step left next to right, cross step right next to left

Restart – during wall 2, dance up to count 48 (jazz box ¼ right hold) then restart from the beginning – you will be facing 12 o/c
As this song is latin, you can, if you want to, add lots of hips for styling!


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