NOTE: Tag in the end of wall 5:
Point, hold, hold, hold. Start again
Walk, walk, out, out, in, walk, walk, out, out, in
1-2 Walk R, walk L
&3 Step out R, step out L
4 Step R beside L
5-6 Walk L, walk R
&7 Step out L, step out R
8 Step L beside R
Rock, recover, ½ R, L shuffle forward, tap, tap, step R forward diagonaly, tap, tap, step L forward diagonally.
1&2 Rock foward on R, recover on L, turn ½ R forward on R (6:00)
3&4 Step forward on L, step R beside L, step L forward
5&6 Tap R twice beside L, step R to R diagonal
7&8 Tap L twice beside R, Step L to L diagonal
Side R, together, chassé R, rock, recover, triple 1/2 turn
1-2 Step R to R side, step L beside R
3&4 Step R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side
5-6 Rock forward on L, recover on R
7&8 Triple step L,R,L making turning L (12:00)
Side, touch, side, touch, back rock , recover, kick ball change, step ½ turn L.
1& Step R to R side, touch L beside R
2& Step L to L side, touch R beside L
3-4 Rock back on R, recover on L
5&6 Kick R forward, step ball of R next to L, step L in place
7-8 Step forward on R, turn ½ over L shoulder (6:00)
Start again..
Enjoy the dance, and keep smiling
Point, hold, hold, hold. Start again
Walk, walk, out, out, in, walk, walk, out, out, in
1-2 Walk R, walk L
&3 Step out R, step out L
4 Step R beside L
5-6 Walk L, walk R
&7 Step out L, step out R
8 Step L beside R
Rock, recover, ½ R, L shuffle forward, tap, tap, step R forward diagonaly, tap, tap, step L forward diagonally.
1&2 Rock foward on R, recover on L, turn ½ R forward on R (6:00)
3&4 Step forward on L, step R beside L, step L forward
5&6 Tap R twice beside L, step R to R diagonal
7&8 Tap L twice beside R, Step L to L diagonal
Side R, together, chassé R, rock, recover, triple 1/2 turn
1-2 Step R to R side, step L beside R
3&4 Step R to R side, step L beside R, step R to R side
5-6 Rock forward on L, recover on R
7&8 Triple step L,R,L making turning L (12:00)
Side, touch, side, touch, back rock , recover, kick ball change, step ½ turn L.
1& Step R to R side, touch L beside R
2& Step L to L side, touch R beside L
3-4 Rock back on R, recover on L
5&6 Kick R forward, step ball of R next to L, step L in place
7-8 Step forward on R, turn ½ over L shoulder (6:00)
Start again..
Enjoy the dance, and keep smiling