CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ease On Down

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Rachael McEnaney (USA) & Bracken Heidenreich (USA) - December 2008
Ease On Down the Road - Michael Jackson & Diana Ross
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Count In: Dance start 16 counts after beat kicks in – on lyrics.
Notes: There is 1 Tag/Restart on the 4th wall – see notes below.

(1 – 8) Double syncopated vine left, step close, cross
1,2&3,4Step left to left side (1), cross right behind left (2), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (3), step left to left side (4) 12.00
5 & 6Cross right behind left (5), step left to left side (&), cross right over left (6), 12.00
& 7 - 8Step left to left side (&), step right next to left (7) (angle body to 1.30), cross left over right towards 1.30 (8) 1.30

(9 – 16) 2 Walks forward, ½ pivot turn, right shuffle forward, full turn (all on diagonals)
1 - 4Step forward on right (toward 1.30) (1), step forward on left (2), step forward on right (3), pivot ½ turn left (4) (weight ends left) 7.30
5 & 6Step forward on right (5), step left next to right (&), step forward on right (6), 7.30
7 - 8Make ½ turn right stepping back on left (7), make ½ turn right stepping forward on right (8) 7.30

(17 – 24) Cross rock, side left shuffle, cross, ¼ turn stepping back, right coaster step.
1,2,3&4Cross rock left over right (1), recover weight to right (2), step left to left side (3), step right next to left (&), step left to left side (4)
(you will square up to face the back walk as you do the left side shuffle ) 6.00
5 - 6Cross right over left (5), make ¼ turn right stepping back on left (6) 9.00
7 & 8Step back on right (7), step left next to right (&) step forward on right (8) 9.00

(25 – 32) Step ½ pivot turn, 2 walks, kick ,out out, in in, heel drop (knee pop)
1 – 4Step forward on left (1), pivot ½ turn right (2), walk forward on left (3), walk forward on right (4) (these 2 walks could be prissy walks – imagine walking on one line or even crossing each foot slightly in front of the other ) 3.00
5 & 6Kick left foot forward (5), step left foot out to left side (&), step right foot out to right side (shoulder width apart) (6) 3.00
& 7 & 8Step left foot in towards right (&), step right next to left (7), lift both heels off floor popping knees forward (&), drop heels (8) 3.00

(33 – 40) Side toe struts with hip bumps, slide, touch, kick ball cross
1 & 2Touch left to left side bumping hips left (1), bump hips right (&), bump hips left taking weight on left (2) 3.00
3 & 4Cross right toe over left bumping hips forward right (3), bump hips left (&), bump hips right taking weight on right (4) 3.00
5,6,7&8Take big step to left side (5), touch right next to left (6), kick right to right diagonal (7), step in place right (&), cross left over right (8) 3.00

(41 – 48) Repeat 33 – 40 on right side
1 & 2Touch right to right side bumping hips right (1), bump hips left (&), bump hips right taking weight on right (2) 3.00
3 & 4Cross left toe over right bumping hips forward left (3), bump hips right (&), bump hips left taking weight on left (4) 3.00
5,6,7&8Take big step to right side (5), touch left next to right (6), kick left to left diagonal (7), step in place left (&), cross right over left (8) 3.00

(49 – 64) Step touch x2, step side, cross heel touch, R touch cross, L touch cross, R touch cross, back side cross, side right, touch left.
1 - 4Step left to left side (1), touch right to right diagonal (2), step right to right side (3), touch left to left diagonal (4) (sway with clicks) 3.00
5 - 8Step left to left side (5), touch right heel across in front of left (6), touch right to right side (7), cross right over left (8) 3.00
1 - 4Touch left to left side (1), cross left over right (2), touch right to right side (3), cross right over left (4) 3.00
5&6,7 - 8Step back on left (5), step right to right side (&), cross left over right (6), take big step to right side (7), touch left next to right (8) 3.00

On 4th wall – You will begin 4th wall facing 9.00. Do first 16 counts of the dance you will end facing 4.30. Add counts below then restart!
1 - 4Rock forward left (1), recover weight to right (2), make 3/8 turn to face front stepping forward on left (3), step right next to left (4) 12.00


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