CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Mandy Teoh (MY) - October 2008
Dangerous (feat. Akon) - Kardinal Offishall : (CD: Offishall 08)
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Intro: Start after 32 counts


Specially dedicated to Celebrity Fitness (PG) Members on the occasion of their Sexy Line Dancing Session on 4th October 2008.

A (64 counts)
Cross Walk Hold, Cross Walk, Point L, Step Together Step R To R, Step L Together, Bend Both Knees Push Hip Back
1,2 Cross walk R over L, hold
3,4 Cross walk L over R, R over L
& 5,6 point L to L (throw both arms to L bend R knee) (&), body straighten up step L next to R(5), step R to R(6)
7,8 Step L close to R (hold both arms up over head, push hip back and front) (weight on L)

Ball Change Step R Turn ¼ L Point L Chest Pump, Cross Hee L Jack, Cross Heel Jack, Point L, Shoulder Bump
&1&2 Step R to R turn ¼ L point forward L toe (head still facing 12 o'clock (&1), R arm "brush hair" place in front of chest, contract chest in & out (&2)
&3 &4 Step back on L, cross R over L, step back on L, R heel forward diagonal to R
&5 &6 Step back on R, cross L over R, step back on R, point L toe forward diagonal to L
7,8 Shoulder bump

Cross Heel Jack, Cross Heel Jack Point R, Shoulder Bump, Sailor ¼ Turn R
&1 &2 Step back on L, cross R over L, step back on L, R heel forward diagonal to R
&3 &4 Step back on R, cross L over R, step back on R, L heel forward diagonal to L
&5 &6 Step back on L, cross R over L, step back on L, point R toe diagonal to R, shoulder bump (facing 1/8)
7 & 8 Step R behind L, step L to side L turn a further 1/8, step R to R (3 o'clock)

Step, Cross Rock Step R, Cross Rock Turn ¼ L, Touch Unwind Full Turn R, Small Jump Kick Out L
1, 2 & 3 Step L forward, cross R over L, recover on L, step R to R
4 & 5 Cross L over R, recover on R, trun ¼ L step L forward
6 , 7 Touch R behind L, on ball of L, unwind full turn R (weight remain on L)
8 Take a small jump on R & bend R knee, kick out L diagonal to R (both arms press down at the side)

Coaster ¼ Turn L, Kick Ball Point, Body Roll, Step L ¼ Turn L, Touch R Behind
1 & 2 Step back L, step R next to L, turn ¼ L step L forward
3 & 4 Kick forward R, step back R and point L forward
& 5,6 Front body roll(&), sit back on R(5), swing head from L to R facing 12 o'clock, snap fingers (6)
7,8 Take a big step slide to L ¼ turn L, touch R behind L (12 o'clock)

¼ Turn R Lock Step Forward, Hitch Ball Step, Swivel Hip Twist ½ Turn L
1 & 2 Turn ¼ R, step R forward, step L behind R, step R forward
3& 4 Hitch L knee, step do wn L and step R forward
5 - 8 Weight on L, swivel R foot, twist hips ½ turn R (easy option: paddle 1/2 turn)

Step R To R, Touch Left Beside R, Kick Ball Touch Behind, Kick Ball Step ¼ Turn Left, Heel Split (Or Knee Pop)
1,2 Step R to R (R arm draw a circle from L to R, slap on R thigh), touch L beside R (L arm draw a circle from L to R simultaneously with R arm, L palm on top of R , bend L knee and close to R)
3 & 4 Kick L forward, step down on L, R leg straight and touch R toe back
5 & 6 Kick R forward, step down on R , turn ¼ L step L to L
7,8 Both heels split and back to centre (or knee pop)

½ Monterey R, Side Rock Cross, Full Turn L, Step R Forward, Step L Forward
1-2 Point R to R side, make 1/2 turn to R stepping R next to L.
3&4 Rock to L side on L, recover on R, cross step L over R.
5-6 Make ½ turn L stepping back on R, 1/2 turn to L stepping L next to R.
7, 8 Step big step forward on R, slide L towards R (R arm draw big circle from front to back), step L forward

B (48 counts)
Side Back Rock R & L, Walk About Making Full Turn R
1, 2 & Step R to R, rock L behind R, recover on R
3, 4 & Step L to L, rock R behind L, recover on L
5 - 8 Step R, L, R, L make a full turn R (12 o'clock)

Jumping Applejacks, Jumping "X"
1 Weight on L heel & R ball, turn L heel in, R toes out
& Turn both feet back to center
2 Weight on R heel & L ball, turn R heel in, L toes out
& Turn both feet back to center
3 Weight on L heel & R ball, turn L heel in, R toes out
& Turn both feet back to center
4& *Repeat 3 &
5 Jump & both feet apart facing diagonal R
& Jump & both feet back to center
6 Jump & both feet apart facing diagonal L
& Jump & both feet back to center
7 Jump & both feet apart facing diagonal R < BR>& Jump both feet back to center
8& *Repeat 7 & (weight on L,)

Step Forward R, Step Forward L, Sailor ½ Turn R, Step Forward L, Turn 1/2 Trun L Step R Back, Sailor ½ Turn L
1, 2 R Step forward, L step forward
3 & 4 Step R behind L, turn ½ R step L to side, step R slightly forward
5, 6 Step L forward, turn ½ turn L step back on R
7 & 8 Step L behind R, trun ½ turn L step R to side, step L slightly forward

Out Out, Hip Bump Back , 3 Knee Pop, Step Back Touch L
1, 2 Step R to R, step L to L (6 o'clock)
3, 4 R arm hold fist straight up, bend both knees slightly and bump hip back twice
5 Pop R knee in, L remain straight (both palm facing down, cross and touch the knees)
6 Pop L knee in, R straight (both hands with palm facing down move from knees to waist, R to R waist, L to L waist)
7 Pop R knee in, L straight (L palm remain on L waist, R arm stretch up to the air)
8 Step down on R, touch L toe forward facing diagonal R (7.30)
(both hands cross infront of body with palms facing down)

Kick Ball Point, R Sailor ¼ Turn R, Ball Step R Forward, Step L Close To R, 2 Jumps Towards Diagonal R
1 & 2 Kick L diagonal forward, step down on L square off to 9 o'clock, point R out to R side
3 & 4 R step behind L, ¼ turn R step L to L, step R slightly forward
& 5,6 Step L beside R, ball step R forward towards diagonal R, step L next to R turn body facing diagonal L
7,8 Push hip to R, Jump on both feet twice towards R diagonal, body angling L (weight ends on R)
Arms movement: raise both arms parallel at shoulder level, fingers close, palms facing out, lean shoulder to R when jump to R diagonal)

& 1,2 Step back L, cross R foot over L, hold
& 3,4 Step back L, cross R foot over L, ste p L to L square off to 12 o'clock
5, 6 Raise both arms over head, L hand hold R wrist, touch R toe, lift up R hip and bump to R, hold
7,8 Remain same pose, bump hip to R twice


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