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Dancing Forever

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Ephraim Kirkland & Katherine Kirkland - August 2008
Forever - Chris Brown : (CD: Single)
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Start with the beat after he counts "1-2-3-4" Or wait 42 counts and start on the word "Tonight" to avoid the restart

Stomp, Toe, Heel-Step-Heel-Step-Stomp, Toe, Heel-Step-Heel
1-2 Stomp right forward, touch left toe beside right heel
3& Touch left heel beside right toe, step left beside right
4& Touch right heel forward at a slight diagonal, step right beside left
5-6 Stomp left forward, touch right toe beside left heel
7& Touch right heel beside left toe, step right beside left
8 Touch left heel forward at a slight diagonal

Swivel, Stomp (slap toe down), Hitch, Kick, Hitch, Back, 1/4, (body) Roll-Cross
1 Swivel on your heels ½ turn to the right as you shift weight to left (end with R heel forward) (6:00)
2 Slap your right toe down to floor and take weight on right foot
3-4 Hitch left leg up, kick left forward (steps 3-7 here should be done crisply on the beat)
5-6 Hitch left, touch left back
7 Turn 1/4 to left as you shift weight to left (3:00)
8 Body roll to left (leading with head, then shoulders, and ending with hips and steps below)
&1 Step right across left, touch left toe to left side

Touch (Side), Cross, Touch (Side), Behind, Touch (Side), Behind, Touch (Side), Sailor-Turn
2-3 Step left across right, touch right toe to right
4-5 Step right behind left, touch left to left
6-7 Step left behind right, touch right toe to right side
8&1 Sweep right behind left as you turn ¼ right, step left, step right (right turning sailor) (6:00)

Turn-Touch, Turn-Touch, Turn-Touch, Back-Heel-Step-Touch, Back-Heel-Step-Touch
&2 Pivot 1/3 turn right on ball of right foot as you hitch left knee slightly, touch left toe to side (10:00)
&3&4 Repeat above steps (2:00), repeat again (6:00) (or 9:00, 1:30, and 4:30, squaring up on step below)
&5 Step left back (squaring up to 6:00 wall), touch right heel forward as you look to your left
&6 Step right forward, touch left toe beside right heel as you look forward
&7&8 Repeat above two lines (step L back, touch R heel, step R forward, touch L toe)

Turn, Turn-Out-Out, Step, Back-And-Back-And-Back-And-Touch (Mashed Potatoes)
1-2 Turn 1/2 right and step left back (12:00), turn 1/2 right and step right forward (6:00)
&3-4 Step left forward and out to left, step right out to right, step left forward (back in)
5& Step right back (slightly behind left) as heels swivel in, swivel heels out
6& Step left back (slightly behind right) as heels swivel in, swivel heels out
7&8 Step right back (behind) as heels swivel in, swivel heels out, touch left slightly forward

Down, Pulse Up , Down, Pulse Up, Kick ®, Flick, Turn Kick, Step
1 Bend knees slightly as you let your chest cave in a little
2 Straighten legs as you pulse chest up and forward (try to isolate your chest)
3-4 Repeat above two steps (down, pulse up)
5-6 Balance your weight on left foot and kick right foot forward, flick (kick) foot back
7-8 Turn 1/2 right and kick right foot forward, step right forward (12:00)
RESTART: If you opt to start with the beat, you will need to RESTART here DURING the FIRST wall on the word "Tonight" Simply ADD the following step then restart from beginning of dance:
& Step left foot in place

Slow Step (Bicycle)-Step-Step, Slow Step (Bicycle)-Step-Step
1-3 Step left forward in slow motion landing your foot and taking weight on it on count 3
&4 Step right forward, step left forward
5-7 Repeat counts 1-3 above with right foot (slow step forward over 3 counts)
&8 Step left forward, step right forward

Cross, Back, Turn-Turn-B ack, Back, Back, Back, Back-1/4
1-2 Step left across right, step right back (preparing to turn left)
3&4 Turn 1/2 left and step left forward turn 1/2 left and step right back, step left back
5-6 Step right back crisply as you pop left knee forward, step left back as you pop right knee
7-8 Repeat steps 5-6 above stepping back right, then left (turn head & look right during steps 5-8)
& Turn 1/4 right and lift right foot, preparing to start dance from beginning (3:00)


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